Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc. – Research Paper – Ramarayo Motor
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Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc.
Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc.
Prepared for
Prof. Djoko Susanto, MSA, PhD
Lecturer of Leadership Communication
Prepared by
Alvian Tamba
Dion Wicaksono
Genial Achmad Eka Prabawa
Students of MMUGM International 7
April 29th 2019
Jakarta, April 29th 2019
Prof. Djoko Susanto, MSA, PhD
Lecturer of Leadership Communication
MMUGM Jakarta
Dear Sir
Enclosed is the report requested on The Implementation of Operation Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc. In this report, we will discuss Boardriders Inc. post-integration process, what problems aroused, and target that need to be achieved. We implement the Operational Excellence Management method to analyze the issues encountered.

The information in this report came from printed documents, annual company reports, and online resources as well as the information form one of our team member, Genial as current Boardriders employee.

Thank you for the opportunity to conduct this research. We appreciate the chance to apply our knowledge to give insight to Boardriders Inc on how to understand the Merger and Acquisition effect and mitigate the issue with implementation of Operation Exellence Management.

If you have any question in regard to this report, kindly help to contact us.
(Genial Achmad EP)
(Alvian Tamba S)
(Dion Wicaksono)
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(2019, 05). Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc.. Retrieved 05, 2019, from

“Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc.” 05 2019. 2019. 05 2019 < "Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc..", 05 2019. Web. 05 2019. < "Implementation of Operational Exellence Management in Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process by Boardriders Inc.." 05, 2019. Accessed 05, 2019. Essay Preview By: Ramarayo Motor Submitted: May 3, 2019 Essay Length: 399 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Research Paper Views: 161 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays How to Implement Total Quality Management in Strong Cultures: Alignment or Saturation? How to Implement Total Quality Management in Strong Cultures: Alignment or Saturation? At the end of this case study, Bernal Flores asks if he should 1,419 Words  |  6 Pages Re-Engineering the Technology Acquisition Process EPSRC Management of Technology Initiative Project Number: GR/K/11468 Project Title: RE-ENGINEERING THE TECHNOLOGY ACQUISITION PROCESS Document Title: Managing the Product Development Process (Part 1: An 7,853 Words  |  32 Pages Managing Emotions After Restructuring Processes Managing emotions after restructuring processes 1. Introduction Sometimes it is unavoidable for a company to make decisions that cause toxic emotions among the employees, for 3,792 Words  |  16 Pages Intergrating Crises Management in Strategic Planning Process in International Travel Industry INTERGRATING CRISES MANAGEMENT IN STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS IN INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL INDUSTRY INTRODUCTION In the last six to seven years the international travel industry has seen 385 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Netflix Operations Management Report Operations Management Definition Paper Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Implementation Of Operational Exellence Management And Billabong Legacy Acquisition Process. (June 7, 2021). Retrieved from