Incident of Curley’s Broken
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Incident of Curley’s broken This incident happened on the 8th June 1933 at the Tyler ranch.  Curley Cool came to the bunk house in search of his wife, thinking that she might be talking to one of the ranch hands.  Curley Cool was not in a good mood, and provoked Carlson and Candy. Curley then vented his anger on Lennie and stormed out the bunk house. It was a night where the moon was covered by the clouds, the surrounding is pitch black, causing Curley to trip over and got his hand caught in the cultivator.The main incidentCurley’s wife was known to leave the house and talk to the ranch hands. On the day, as Curley’s wife was missing, James Curley (also named as Curley) suspected her wife to be in the bunk house, he rushed into the bunk house where every ranch hand in resting in search of his wife. Curley’s wife appeared not to be at the bunk house, he then went towards the farm.After 10 to 15 minutes, Curley slammed open the door and walked after Kenneth Slimson (also named as Slim). Curley thought that Slim was talking to her wife, Slim then politely explained to Curley that he never saw his wife. As Curley’s wife was still missing, Curley was full of anger, he vented his anger on Lennie as he was smiling in a sudden, his voice raised until Lennie stopped laughing.Curley does not have any clue of where his wife was, he stormed out of the bunk house and headed home in the pitch black surrounding.  One of the witness George Milton claimed that after a few minutes, he heard a sharp booming sound coming from outside the bunk house. As he went out the house to investigate what happened, he saw Curley holding his left hand in pain as the bloods came out of his fist.  His hand was stuck in a working cultivator. Another witness Carlson Cooks claimed that he heard Curley shouting for help, he saw that it was the cultivator that Whit Spears forgot to turn off. The last witness James Tom (also known as Whit) said that he used the cultivator in the noon and was the last person to touch it on that day. Whit claimed that he forgot to turn it off when the other ranch hands told him to go to the bunk house to play a quick game of blackjack in the short break of the ranch hands. Whit claimed that after he saw how a small and careless mistake have done so much harm to Curley, he felt sincerely sorry for Curley and promised the incident will never happen again.

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Incident Of Curley And Last Witness James Tom. (July 8, 2021). Retrieved from