The Current State of Business Intelligence Systems
This paper will focus on the current state of Business Intelligence Systems that are currently being used by organizations. This paper will show that the BI systems that are being utilized by organizations are useful, effective and appropriate for the organization. The increased usage of dashboards, the empowerment of employees with business insight, and reporting methods are all factors that make the BI systems within organizations useful and effective tools for the organization.

Keywords: Business Intelligence (BI)
The Current State of Business Intelligence Systems
Business Intelligence Systems can be critical tools that are used by an organization allowing them to use critical business data to make an informed decision. These BI systems that are being utilized by organizations are useful, effective and appropriate for the organizations needs. The leaders of the organization must ensure that their organizations are using these systems to remain competitive with other organizations allowing them to be successful. The three factors that make the BI systems useful and effective to an organization are the increased usage of dashboards, the empowerment of employees with business insight, and ease of reporting methods. When organizations properly utilizes these BI systems this will allow them make informed decisions that will be beneficial to the entire organization.

The first factor that makes these BI Systems useful and effective to an organization is the usage of dashboards. Interactive visualization and dashboard capabilities showed the greatest increase in use over last years survey, increasingly replacing reporting and ad hoc analysis, which showed the greatest decline (Sallam, 2011, Pg.1). This survey shows the importance the usage of dashboards when using a BI system. Dashboards show real-time actionable data to the users of the systems allowing them take actions if necessary. The data that a dashboard shows must be simplified, well organized, and condensed. Dashboards are an easy method for users of the system to take a quick look of the data it gives them a snapshot in time where the organization is at in real-time. There is no waiting on reports from another department or they don’t have to look at multiple slides shows to get an understanding of the data within their organization. Dashboards should be designed to make the data prominent and to encourage the user to focus on the data (Sauter, 2010, Pg. 417). When an organization properly creates and utilizes dashboards within the organization it allows them operate efficiently.

The second factor that makes these BI Systems useful and effective to an organization is the empowerment of employees with business insight. The employees

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Increased Usage Of Dashboards And Current State Of Business Intelligence Systems. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from