CHAPTER 4:Industrial design        The industrial design discusses about the elements that contributes’ to the aesthetical features and components of the product, the importance of industrial design will be tackled then including the ergonomic need and aesthetic need. The goal of the industrial design will further elaborated, the utility, appearance and ease of maintenance of the product will be explained one by one in the discussion, the said topics are elements of the product that will further be used in the manufacturing the product.I.GOALS OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGNThe goal of our industrial design is to create a Product which has a simple design and can be conveniently used by the end user. To create new style, look and feel of the item and to provide a product that reduces friction and thereby effectively preventing any damage or further damage to the skin.A. UtilityA1. Ease of useThe design of the product makes it washable and reusable and has a clip-on feature that makes it convenient when using the product.A2. IntuitiveThere are a lot of consumer who prefer using a low-cut shoe wherein it causes frequent blister, this product would be very helpful.B. AppearanceB1. FormThe design of the product is customized that attracts consumers to buy it.B2. LinesJulienne shaped for our product will emphasize more the purpose of the product which is to cover the entire part where the blister is more prone.B3.        ProportionThe combined parts of the product made it more durable, useful and appealing to the consumers.B4.        ColorThe product has varied colors and designs that suit the taste of individual accordance to their own fashion.C. Ease of MaintenanceC1.        Maintaining the functionalities of the product

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Industrial Design And Components Of The Product. (July 2, 2021). Retrieved from