Insurance Need Analysis – Case Study – Himanshu Jawa
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Insurance Need Analysis
Insurance Need AnalysisSubmitted by:Himanshu Jawa 245/2016IntroductionHuman needs are plenty like education, marriage, retirement etc. And simultaneously human life is full of uncertainties of something happening either good or bad. If it is good then great but if it is the other way then one needs insurance to support one’s dependants and to ensure that their family needs are covered in one’s absence.In India insurance sector is still in its early stage. Only 17.22% of Indian population is covered under insurance. The reasons attributed can be the myth of individuals towards the life insurance or less awareness among the people.In order to decide that minimum how much insurance one needs, there is simple process of need analysis. It has various methods such as Income Replacement Value (IRV), Human Life Value (HLV) and Need Assessment Method.Also, one can make analyze one’s need of insurance on the basis of Stage of Life and using the Need Analysis Worksheet. Insurance CalculationThere are 3 ways to calculate insurance i.e. IRV, HLV and Need Assessment as mentioned above. I am selecting IRV and Need Assessment Method to calculate my insurance needs. IRV: Because I know what my annual income will be from 4 months from now and my retirement age from then. HLV: Because I am not sure of my taxes and life insurance premium and other charges.Need Assessment: Because I know my needs, asset investment and income.Also we can make use of Need Analysis Worksheet for the purpose stated above.Income Replacement ValueThis is one of the basic methods of insurance calculation and is based on a person’s current income.Insurance Needs = annual income * number of years left for retirement.                                                                             Or

Insurance Needs = annual income * Income Replacement MultiplierAssumptionsAnnual income assumed here is after pre-tax.Retirement age is 60 years.Income Replacement Multiplier is average of 5 and 10 as advised for individuals of age group of 20 – 30 years.Now considering the option (a) for myself,Insurance needs = 7,20,000 * 35 = Rs. 2,52,00,000Considering option (b),Insurance needs = 7,20,000 * 7.5 = Rs. 54,00,000Need AssessmentIn this method, one assesses his/her needs, needs of loved ones and finally makes a calculated assessment.Self assessment:Lump sum needsEducation Loan Monthly income needsMonthly expensesHouse RentMonthly income needs of dependantsNeed Analysis Worksheet ABCDEPoints1Your Marital statusNever Married[0 points]Married Separated[3 points]Divorced[0 points]Widowed[0 points] 02Number of dependants (children, elderly parents, or other dependant relativesNone[0 points]1 or 2 (atleast one underage 7)[5 points]1 or 2 (both overage 7)[4 points]3 or more (atleast one underage 7)[9 points]3 or more (all overage 7)[6 points]03Will you fund a childs college education?No[0 points]Yes : 1 child[1 points]Yes : 2 children[2 points]Yes : 3 or more children[4 points] 04Do you own a home or plan to buy one?No[0 points]Yes, paid in full[0 points]Yes, owe less than and Rs 8 lakhs[1 points]Yes, owe between 4-8 lakhs[2 points]Yes, owe between 4-16 lakhs[3 points]05Do you have any other debts (car loans, educational loans, credit card payments?No[0 points]Yes, but less than 2 lakhs[1 points]Yes, between 2-4 lakhs[2 points]Yes, over 4 lakhs[3 points] 3 Total Score     3

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(2017, 11). Insurance Need Analysis. Retrieved 11, 2017, from
“Insurance Need Analysis” 11 2017. 2017. 11 2017 < "Insurance Need Analysis.", 11 2017. Web. 11 2017. < "Insurance Need Analysis." 11, 2017. Accessed 11, 2017. Essay Preview By: Himanshu Jawa Submitted: November 19, 2017 Essay Length: 665 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 278 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Analysis of a Letter by Martin Luther King Junior Martin Luther King Jr.: A Question Of Ethics A Letter from Birmingham Jail" was penned as a response to a letter that criticized Martin Luther 1,304 Words  |  6 Pages Analysis and Context of Bob Marley's Lyrics Analysis and Context of Bob Marley's Lyrics A lifetime of inspiration and struggle is depicted through a poster I acquired not to long ago. The 1,782 Words  |  8 Pages Critical Analysis of "the Necklace" Short Story Critical Analysis of "The Necklace" Short Story The short story, The Necklace, by Guy De Maupassant, follows the life of a woman and her husband 1,064 Words  |  5 Pages Critical Analysis of "the Minister's Black Veil" Critical Analysis of "The Minister's Black Veil" The small, early American town that the story "The Minister's Black Veil" takes place in is a quite 416 Words  |  2 Pages Similar Topics Analysis of Platos Reebok swot analysis Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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