Cs Problem Set Answers
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public class Problem3/* *Write a method (an instance method) public boolean rowBingo(int c)*that returns true if board has at least one row where no element in the row is the *character given by the parameter c. Otherwise it returns false. (The first index of *the array is the row index and the dimensions of the array are size by size.)*/{ public static void main(String[] asd) { Bingo bingo = new Bingo(4);//4 is the dimension of the square array boolean found = bingo.rowBingo(4); System.out.println(found); }}class Bingo{ // methods go here.. int [ ][ ] board = {{4,8,3,9}, {1,2,4,4}, {4,8,3,4}, {3,3,4,5}}; int n; public Bingo(int size) { n = size; } public boolean rowBingo(int x) { boolean noElements; for(int r = 0; r < n; r++) { noElements = true; for(int c = 0; c < n; c++) { if(board[r][c] == x) { noElements = false; break; } } if(noElements == true) { return true; } } return false; } }public class Problem4/* * *Write a method (an instance method) public boolean theSame()*that returns true if at least one row in the array board is the same as the first row.* Otherwise it returns false. For instance in 4 8 3 4 3 5 5 1 4 8 3 4 9 2 4 9*The 3rd is the same as the first row, so the method returns true.*/{ public static void main(String[] asd) { Bingo bingo = new Bingo(4);//4 is the dimension of the square array boolean found = bingo.theSame(); System.out.println(found);
}}class Bingo{ // methods go here.. int [ ][ ] board = {{4,8,3,4}, {1,2,4,4}, {4,8,3,9}, {3,3,4,5}}; int n; public Bingo(int size) { n = size; } public boolean theSame() { boolean theSame; for(int r = 1; r < n; r++) { theSame = true; for(int c = 0; c < n; c++) { if(board[r][c] != board[0][c]) { theSame = false; break; } } if(theSame == true) { return true; } } return false; } }//sorting Characterspublic class Snort { public static void main(String[] asd) { final int DIM = 20; Character[] x = new Character[DIM]; for(int j = 0; j < DIM; j++) { int num = (int)(26*Math.random() ); char letter = (char)(a + num); x[j] = letter ; //boxing } System.out.println("before sorting"); print(x); Sort2.sort(x); System.out.println("after sorting"); print(x); }
Essay About Int C And Public Class Problem3
Essay, Pages 1 (333 words)
Latest Update: July 5, 2021
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Int C And Public Class Problem3. (July 5, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/int-c-and-public-class-problem3-essay/