Internet Commerce – online Shopping
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On-Line Shopping
Having space and place for a company presents many advantages. Space helps make consumers aware of certain products that are not sold in the store. Going to the store gives consumers an opportunity to look at and feel the products that are being displayed. In most cases, consumers like to purchase products from establishments that have both space and place. This is beneficial for consumers when they cannot find a product in the store. In many cases when products are not available in stores, they can be obtained online. Most retail establishments are transitioning to space and place businesses. Some businesses have local establishments, while others are located nationally. Stores such as Wal-Mart, Target, and Sears engage in both space and place. These businesses have stores located throughout the United States and they have huge online markets. These stores are positioned well as businesses, yet all of the stores mentioned started out as space stores only and have found the best way to transaction to both space and place stores.

Space and Place
Most stores that have space and place are well established and have several locations. Having space and place gives companies an advantage over companies that only has a place. When customers go to stores and discover that a product of choice is sold out, they may sometimes find the item online. Having space also gives consumers the advantage to shop online when there are other obstacles. For instance, obstacles such, as an illness, lack of transportation, and not having an accessible store. The creation and evolution of the internet has given companies, both large and small the opportunity to market their products both on-line and in-store. “In the end, the biggest reason behind this online frenzy is simply time. Younger shoppers like Robertson excel at using mobile devices and apps to research products and prices.” (Lee, 2011)

Consumers are using the internet for more today than ever before. “The internet is reducing the opportunity costs of information gathering, thus making it easier for people to make informed decisions.” (Mullins & Walker, 2010, p. 105). Companies that use the internet and the physical space mediums for their business have to allow for ease of access for the consumer. Often, companies will have all of their products listed on-line that are available in the physical store. The internet also allows the company to offer goods on the internet that are not available in store. Consumers have the ability to shop in so many different ways from so many devices. The days of only going to the store to get what is wanted are long over. Phone applications, tablet applications, home computing and social media have made the shopping experience more convenient. Shopping can be done from any place at any time.


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Internet Commerce And Younger Shoppers. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from