Democratic Republic of the CongoEssay Preview: Democratic Republic of the CongoReport this essayIwo JimaI chose Iwo Jima as my topic for Maryland History Day because I always wanted to know a little bit more about World War II. Also, any World War II topic fascinates me because I would like my knowledge on this major war in world history to grow until every detail is clear to me.

Iwo Jima relates to this year’s theme, Conflict and Compromise, because there were two sides in Iwo Jima fighting for their own goals. In America, they wanted to capture Iwo Jima for their goal to bomb Japan much easier with a base that is closer to Japan. In Japan, on the other hand, they wanted to protect their base so America wouldn’t have easy access to Japan. They both have a conflict over one island, so that relates to the theme. Also, the compromise ended up as an American victory and Japan lost Iwo Jima, then resulted in the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

I conducted my research using several types of sources. One of the sources was search engines. The only one I used was Google. I also used other websites that had data on Iwo Jima. Some of the main sources were Worldbook Online, Student Resource Center Jr., Wikipedia, The Library of Congress website, the Iwo Jima website and the National Museum of World War II website. Some books I used were some books on Iwo Jima information and a book of real pictures taken during the Iwo Jima invasion.

I decided to do a documentary because most Maryland History Day participants choose an exhibit as the most popular of the choices, so I wanted to be limited to a few range of competitors in our group of documentaries. Also, I wanted to do a documentary because I wanted to make a video, so this will be my first video that will present our data in an animation. I constructed my project by first choosing a variety of war topics because they have the most topics on conflict. We then narrowed it down to something not to popular, modern, or old. Iwo Jima happened to be in World War II and it had a bit of primary resources on the topic. I used search engines, books, websites, etc. to collect data on my topic. Once all the information was filed, we will make the project using a new program that records, mixes, and creates videos to create our documentary and final product.

Title: “War War (1960)”;

Section: “Aerial Photographs”;

Location: “The Air Force Museum, 1st Air Force Base, MD”;

State: Maryland;

Location: “The Air Force Museum, 6th Airbase, MO”;

Description: We plan to show this movie of the same name of war between the 1st Special Operations Division (SOC) and the 7th Special Operations Division. The movie consists of a view of a battle at the Air Force base of the 1st Special Operations Division.

The title, title, and location of the movie are not specified. The film is intended to be watched or seen at any time. No purchase, advertising, or consideration is required for the use of this video or of any of your video content, and you may not republish the footage or any information in any way (including, without limitation, without notice to other members or patrons) without the explicit permission of the producer or distributor for the use of the video.

Title: “War War (1960)”;

Section: “Aerial Photographs”;

Location: “The Air Force Museum, 1st Air Force Base, MD”;

State: Maryland;

Location: “The Air Force Museum, 6th Airbase, MO”;

Description: Here is your first time viewing this military documentary with your own eyes. It is an amazing experience. It is the first time you see an aerial photo as a documentary, but it is not in the realm of ‘real’ photos and doesn’t come with the special features and limitations of this new program. This documentary is intended to be seen in all its glory and for all ages, including old and new students of visual history. We do hope that people understand and come in for some very special viewing experience. Your only requirement is that you watch for at least one hour before the film can be viewed. This is a new program.

Title: “War War (1960)”;

Section: “Aerial Photographs”;

Location: “The Air Force Museum, 1st Air Force Base, MD”;

State: Maryland;

Location: “The Air Force Museum, 6th Airbase, MO”;

Description: This is going to be a special, one night only experience for a new family to watch. This documentary was filmed during a time when there was also a great variety of other topics related to the war with other war historians, such as military history that was not covered here. This was very relevant to the War Historian community and it was really important to watch this unique and informative film. This information may be found in our archive and as it becomes available to the general public in an in-person viewing room, students of visual history will find much time in my time to watch this documentary.

Title: “War War (1960)”;

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Iwo Jima And Iwo Jima Information. (August 21, 2021). Retrieved from