A Walk to Remember
Essay title: A Walk to Remember
Nicholas Sparks is a great writer. I especially like his book “A Walk to Remember.” I liked the book because it was a book that made you think about what is actually going on. It sticks out from the beginning. It is a very good book because the writer has most everything that should be in a book. My favorite part of the book is where Landon Carter (one of the main characters) builds Jamie Sullivan (the second main character) a telescope. Jamie and Landon at first are quite the opposite. Jamie a church go-er, and Landon a troublemaker. Jamie and Landon meet when Landon was told he must join the drama club at school. While there he got the led role of Tom Thornton. Jamie got the led role of the girl in the play. (Didn’t say who) But there was a twist to Jamie. She had Leukemia, a form of cancer, yet she didn’t tell Landon until about there 4th or 5th date. Landon did everything he could to help Jamie. In the book Sparks recognized the book that Jamie so loved. It was called, “The Bible” In the book he states about a paragraph from the bible. It said,
“I cry to you, my Lord, my rock!
Do not be deaf to me, for if you are
silent, I