Management and Strategy
In the Missions statement examples indicated there are very powerful statements used by the different organizations. Below are some of the strengths and weaknesses that I observed:

Johnson & Johnson:
J&J speaks to every entity of an organization and believes in being a corporate citizen as well. Their credo is strong
The credo is a means of unifying management and assists in achieving the organizations objectives
Provides values and a common set of goals
The credo is a reminder of corporate citizenship, responsibility to their employees, shareholders, and customers
The length of the mission seems to be very long and it can be difficult for someone to attempt to regurgitate it back
Missouri Botanical Garden:
The goals are expressed
There is a purpose explained
The mission does not speak to corporate responsibility
There is no link between the organization and how they intend to use the mission as a vehicle to guidance for reaching their goals and objectives
GE: (In Lieu of a Mission Statement)
The letter speaks to where the organization wants to go
Talks about cash generation and low cost
How to increase organic revenue growth
Developing a generation of growth leaders
A commitment to investors
Speaks to being a “WE” company not a “ME” company
Talks about their strategic approach, customer relationships, and long-term thinking
A positioning a strength
Talks initiatives driving performance and competitive aspect of the organization
Speaks to solving problems (customer, society, and itself)
There is not a specific mission statement, employee would have to read the letter to stakeholder
The mission statement (letter to stakeholder) lacks flexibility
Due their not being a mission statement, the letter can change from year to year which may not send a clear

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J&J And Missions Statement Examples. (June 9, 2021). Retrieved from