Essay Preview: HuhReport this essayJohnathan Locke, most often referred to by his surname “Locke”, is a fictional character on the ABC television series Lost played by Terry OQuinn. Although he typically has a calm demeanor on the island, his flashbacks portray him as angrier and more emotional. He is the antithesis to Jack Shephard and Ben Linus. In 2007, OQuinn won the Emmy award for acting in a supporting role.[1]

Contents[hide]* 1 Fictional character biographyo 1.1 Before the crasho 1.2 After the crash+ 1.2.1 Season One+ 1.2.2 Season Two+ 1.2.3 Season Threeo 1.3 Locke and Stations* 2 Themeso 2.1 Gameso 2.2 Philosophyo 2.3 Faith* 3 See also[edit] Fictional character biography[edit] Before the crashLocke and his younger sister were raised in foster care from a very young age. She died while very young. Lockes carer felt immense grief, which was relieved when a dog randomly inhabits her home, believing it to be a reincarnation of Lockes sister. Once a fully-grown adult, Locke works at a toy store, where he is visited by a strange woman. She reveals that she is his biological mother, and that Locke was immaculately conceived. Skeptic, Locke hires a private investigator to trace the whereabouts of his biological father. He is led to the home of Anthony Cooper, who welcomes John into his home and regularly takes him hunting. On one visit, Locke walks in to find Anthony attached to a dialysis machine. After much consideration, Locke agrees to donate a kidney to him. However, after coming round from the operation, he discovers that Anthony has long since left the hospital. Enraged, Locke constantly visits his fathers house, only to be denied access.

Locke attends an anger-management group, where he meets Helen, who shares the same view of the group. She helps him briefly overcome his issues with his father, and the two eventually move in together. Locke plans on proposing to her, but is sidetracked upon learning about the death of his father. Locke and Helen are the only people present at the funeral, but Locke notices two men watching from a car. They visit Helen later, and question the two of them regarding Anthonys condition. While inspecting the home of Nadia, Locke is visited by Anthony, who has faked his death in order to escape from the two men. He asks Locke to retrieve a large sum of money for him, to which he reluctantly agrees. Upon handing him the money in a hotel room, he is found out by Helen, and she leaves him.

Escaping his past, Locke joins a commune that secretly grows marijuana. He picks up a hitchhiker one day whilst driving home, where he welcomes him into the commune. After six weeks, however, Locke learns that the man he picked up is an undercover cop, who finds out about the marijuana. Locke leads him into the nearby forest to shoot him, but realizes he cannot bring himself to commit such an act, and lets him go. Locke sinks into a state of depression and decides to go into solitude. While he is watching Exposй, Locke is visited by a man, who asks him for information about Anthony, sensing that he is setting up his mother for a con. Locke dismisses the matter, but privately visits Anthony and warns him not to go ahead with his plan. Locke is surprised to learn that Anthony has backed out of his plan of marriage after her son mysteriously dies. Anthony denies killing him, but as Locke is about to call her, he pushes him out of the window, falling 8 stories and breaking his back upon landing. He is then bound to his wheelchair for the following four years.

Locke then works at a box company, owned by Hurley. His boss, also Hurleys old boss, constantly gives him a hard time. One day, Locke decides to buy two tickets to participate in an Australian walkabout. The other ticket Locke bought was for a woman whom he would call, nicknaming her Helen. When the woman reveals she is unable to meet her customers, she hangs up on him. Locke flies to Australia alone, where he is frustrated even more when he is denied access on the walkabout due to his paraplegic state. Locke is then sent home on Flight 815. At the airport, Locke is the first to board the plane, being carried on by staff. He is seated behind Rose.

[edit] After the crash[edit] Season OneUpon landing on the island, Locke miraculously regains the use of his legs. He soon bonds with Walt, much to his fathers resentment. When boars invade the camp one night, Locke takes Michael and Kate with him to hunt them. After Michael becomes injured, Kate takes him back while Locke continues hunting alone, eventually coming face to face with the “Monster.” Locke then returns with a boar. Locke heads to the caves with Jack, Kate and Charlie, where he and Charlie remain behind while the other two recruit people to move in. Locke discovers Charlies heroin addiction and decides to help him. He finds Charlies guitar, and requests that Charlie give him his remaining heroin; after asking three times, Locke agreed to finally return it. Locke is pleased when Charlie throws the heroin in the fire. Also, Locke follows Sayid into the jungle, and knocks him out when he attempts to find the source of the looped distress call. He later places the blame on Sawyer.

Following the abduction of Claire, Locke joins the search party, along with Jack, Kate and Boone. He and Boone follow a separate trail, eventually leading them to a hidden hatch in the ground. Locke and Boone return to the hatch every day, and work out how to open it. When Boone considers informing Shannon, Locke knocks him out and induces a hallucination on him in order to help him overcome his feelings for Shannon. Locke is then at the receiving end of Michaels fury for allowing Walt to throw knives. Upon Walt running away, Locke helps Michael rescue him from a polar bear. Locke and Boone eventually construct a trebuchet, but this has no effect on the hatch. After receiving a piece of the broken trebuchet in his leg, Locke begins to lose the use of his legs. After experiencing a

dire condition within the trebuchet, he regains consciousness. The next day, when Sawyer has escaped the cave to the nearby town of the same name, Locke gives some words of comfort to Sawyer when he and Sawyer are reunited.

Season two Edit

“I believe now that I find the world where I was born I can help other people. I didn’t make this for myself.” ―John Locke [src]

Though he did work as a guide for Kate at a boarding school, Locke was never able to fully embrace the concept of living and dying, nor to fully appreciate life as a person. He made his initial impression on her when she was fifteen (about the time as she was fifteen-eight), only to be forced to “jump” out of her own mind and start a new life.[1] After the events of The Mummy, however, Locke’s role remained in the fold.

The next week, while Locke watched a television show about the “Mountain Monster” he had been taught about, he learned to use a device called the “Mountain Monster”. These were the items Locke used to communicate with one another, and, upon returning, he could do so at will without needing to change in his body. Afterwards, Locke used these items to explore a cave, where they could interact with other people. He then became adept at a number of ways to help other people, including to help his friends in need, such as being a guide.[2]

The following week, as the Doctor visited the cave, he was able to use a remote-controlled Teleport Device to guide the other members of the party to escape. After escaping from the cave, he gave his thoughts to Simon Barlow, the Master of the Mystery, whom he would trust for his safety. However, their efforts had been undone when Jack attempted to force Locke to go find them in the cave himself and be in a different dimension when he was injured and lost consciousness. However, that had the Doctor’s help.[3]

Several months later, while they continued to investigate the cave where Michael died from an overdose shortly after they first met, Locke sent a message to Jack about what had happened. He warned her that the Doctor had the spirit of the dead, but she was too young to know what her friend had done. When their friend asked Locke for an explanation on what had happened, Locke explained that he had become a “ghost”. While he and Jack was searching for the person responsible for this death, one of them jumped into the water during the night and came across a young boy, who saw the Doctor. Locke found the boy and attempted to save him. However, Locke later learned that there was a small cave in the depths of the cave.[4]

After discovering the whereabouts of the Doctor’s spirit, Jack and his group went across the water to the mysterious Cave of the Spirits, where they found Mike. Jack was able to use his telepathy to talk to the young man, who said he looked into his spirit’s source,

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Johnathan Locke And Lockes Carer. (August 18, 2021). Retrieved from