The Jury System in the Uk – Essay – Yue Pan
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The Jury System in the Uk
The Jury System in the UKWhat is a jury?“A body of usually twelve persons [people] sworn to render [give] a verdict on the basis of evidence submitted to them in a court of justice” (Concise Oxford Dictionary, 1990, ed R E Allen)Who can be a juror in the UK?“You could be selected to serve on a jury if you [comply with all of the following criteria]:will be aged at least 18, and less than 70 [raised to 75 now?], on the day jury service will startare on a parliamentary or local electoral registerhave lived in the UK, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man for a period of at least 5 years since 13 years of age”UNLESS [all or any of the following] you:“have ever been sentenced to imprisonment for five years or more, or for an indefinite amount of time have been subject to imprisonment or detention at all in the past 10 years, or received a suspended sentence or order for suchare suffering from a severe mental disorder or lacking mental capacityThere are certain jobs that are very likely to prevent one from sitting on the jury [ e.g.] being a member of the armed forces. Medical professionals and MPs are unlikely to end up on a jury, as is anyone whose job requires them to have a specific interest in the law, such as a solicitor, a police officer, or a judge.”
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(2017, 08). The Jury System in the Uk. Retrieved 08, 2017, from
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"The Jury System in the Uk." 08, 2017. Accessed 08, 2017.
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By: Yue Pan
Submitted: August 7, 2017
Essay Length: 951 Words / 4 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 1,060
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