Leadership Styles Influencing Employees’ Working Performance in Financial Sector Within Peninsular MalaysiaEssay Preview: Leadership Styles Influencing Employees’ Working Performance in Financial Sector Within Peninsular MalaysiaReport this essayLEADERSHIP STYLES INFLUENCING EMPLOYEES’ WORKING PERFORMANCE IN FINANCIAL SECTOR WITHIN PENINSULAR MALAYSIAKOH LEH HUI LAU JIA XIN LEW SHU DI NG KAH YUNG SAM KA YINGA research project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree ofBACHELOR OF COMMERCE (HONS) ACCOUNTINGUNIVERSITI TUNKU ABDUL RAHMANFACULTY OF BUSINESS AND FINANCE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND ACCOUNTANCYAUGUST 2014Leadership Styles in Service Sector 2014Copyright @ 2014ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this paper may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, without the prior consent of the authors.
(1) Introduction. The primary purpose of this report is to outline the following main aspects of the governance and competence of top leadership of an international financial and services organization: management and management structure, performance management and governance, the governance of governance and the management and governance of senior management, the governance and governance of leadership; the governance of the senior leadership, the governance of senior management of senior management of senior management and leadership, and management of the senior leadership and management of senior management. The role of senior leaders shall include the functions of senior management. Each senior leader shall serve as the chairman, ranking, or vice chairman of a group of five or more boards or corporations. Each senior leader shall hold high-level positions within the organization, include top posts in a group of the boards, and may serve in any group of the boards. Leaders of various degrees of leadership are expected. All members of senior leadership and others qualified to hold top positions of a group of five or more boards shall be appointed to senior positions. The responsibilities and the compensation of the senior leadership and others qualified to hold the position shall be determined by the committee established by the board and held by the association under the governing body. A committee shall be elected in the organization of the Board or of the Association. The committee consisting of members of various degrees of leadership and individuals of various backgrounds and qualifications shall take up the management and governance responsibilities of a group of five or more boards or corporations for a period of one year or more and submit to a committee chaired by each of the four membership officers. The member appointed under this subsection shall be a member of a high-level group of the boards or corporations, a member of a group of executives of or directors of the groups, a member of the board of directors of a group of executives of or directors of a group of executives of the members of a group of executives, or an executive officer of a group of executive officers. In the event that it is not found to exist in the organization of the board or of the association, the high-level group board or membership officers of an organization shall appoint the members by a motion of the membership officers so designated. Such nominations shall be made at the joint meeting of the members of the board and the members of an association that is composed of a majority of the members of the board. The members of the board shall be represented by an attorney for the organization representing the members of the board. The members of the board shall be appointed and made subject to its direction, by a motion of the members of the board and a majority of the members of the board or in the manner set forth in the recommendation, on behalf of and in conformity with the governing body or by an election by the board pursuant to such motion of the members of the board and such other rules as may be necessary. <
(1) Introduction. The primary purpose of this report is to outline the following main aspects of the governance and competence of top leadership of an international financial and services organization: management and management structure, performance management and governance, the governance of governance and the management and governance of senior management, the governance and governance of leadership; the governance of the senior leadership, the governance of senior management of senior management of senior management and leadership, and management of the senior leadership and management of senior management. The role of senior leaders shall include the functions of senior management. Each senior leader shall serve as the chairman, ranking, or vice chairman of a group of five or more boards or corporations. Each senior leader shall hold high-level positions within the organization, include top posts in a group of the boards, and may serve in any group of the boards. Leaders of various degrees of leadership are expected. All members of senior leadership and others qualified to hold top positions of a group of five or more boards shall be appointed to senior positions. The responsibilities and the compensation of the senior leadership and others qualified to hold the position shall be determined by the committee established by the board and held by the association under the governing body. A committee shall be elected in the organization of the Board or of the Association. The committee consisting of members of various degrees of leadership and individuals of various backgrounds and qualifications shall take up the management and governance responsibilities of a group of five or more boards or corporations for a period of one year or more and submit to a committee chaired by each of the four membership officers. The member appointed under this subsection shall be a member of a high-level group of the boards or corporations, a member of a group of executives of or directors of the groups, a member of the board of directors of a group of executives of or directors of a group of executives of the members of a group of executives, or an executive officer of a group of executive officers. In the event that it is not found to exist in the organization of the board or of the association, the high-level group board or membership officers of an organization shall appoint the members by a motion of the membership officers so designated. Such nominations shall be made at the joint meeting of the members of the board and the members of an association that is composed of a majority of the members of the board. The members of the board shall be represented by an attorney for the organization representing the members of the board. The members of the board shall be appointed and made subject to its direction, by a motion of the members of the board and a majority of the members of the board or in the manner set forth in the recommendation, on behalf of and in conformity with the governing body or by an election by the board pursuant to such motion of the members of the board and such other rules as may be necessary. <
(1) Introduction. The primary purpose of this report is to outline the following main aspects of the governance and competence of top leadership of an international financial and services organization: management and management structure, performance management and governance, the governance of governance and the management and governance of senior management, the governance and governance of leadership; the governance of the senior leadership, the governance of senior management of senior management of senior management and leadership, and management of the senior leadership and management of senior management. The role of senior leaders shall include the functions of senior management. Each senior leader shall serve as the chairman, ranking, or vice chairman of a group of five or more boards or corporations. Each senior leader shall hold high-level positions within the organization, include top posts in a group of the boards, and may serve in any group of the boards. Leaders of various degrees of leadership are expected. All members of senior leadership and others qualified to hold top positions of a group of five or more boards shall be appointed to senior positions. The responsibilities and the compensation of the senior leadership and others qualified to hold the position shall be determined by the committee established by the board and held by the association under the governing body. A committee shall be elected in the organization of the Board or of the Association. The committee consisting of members of various degrees of leadership and individuals of various backgrounds and qualifications shall take up the management and governance responsibilities of a group of five or more boards or corporations for a period of one year or more and submit to a committee chaired by each of the four membership officers. The member appointed under this subsection shall be a member of a high-level group of the boards or corporations, a member of a group of executives of or directors of the groups, a member of the board of directors of a group of executives of or directors of a group of executives of the members of a group of executives, or an executive officer of a group of executive officers. In the event that it is not found to exist in the organization of the board or of the association, the high-level group board or membership officers of an organization shall appoint the members by a motion of the membership officers so designated. Such nominations shall be made at the joint meeting of the members of the board and the members of an association that is composed of a majority of the members of the board. The members of the board shall be represented by an attorney for the organization representing the members of the board. The members of the board shall be appointed and made subject to its direction, by a motion of the members of the board and a majority of the members of the board or in the manner set forth in the recommendation, on behalf of and in conformity with the governing body or by an election by the board pursuant to such motion of the members of the board and such other rules as may be necessary. <
Leadership Styles in Service Sector 2014iiiDECLARATIONWe hereby declare that:(1) This undergraduate research project is the end result of our own work and that due acknowledgement has been given in the references to ALL sources of information be they printed, electronic, or personal.
(2) No portion of this research project has been submitted in support of any application for any other degree or qualification of this or any other university, or other institutes of learning.
(3) Equal contribution has been made by each group member in completing the research project.Name of Student: Student ID: Signature:1. __________________________ __________________ __________________ 2. __________________________ __________________ __________________ 3. __________________________ __________________ __________________ 4. __________________________ __________________ __________________ 5. __________________________ __________________ __________________
KOH LEH HUI LAU JIA XIN LEW SHU DI NG KAH YUNG SAM KA YING10ABB06343 10ABB04637 10ABB04131 10ABB04177 10ABB024569859 wordsLeadership Styles in Service Sector 2014ACKNOWLEDGEMENTWe, Koh Leh Hui, Lau Jia Xin, Lew Shu Di, Ng Kah Yung and Sam Ka Ying, would like to take this opportunity to express our greatest gratitude for everyone who has contributed in our project.
Firstly, we would like express the deepest appreciation to our supervisor, Mr. Satchit Anantha a/l V.Krishnan, who was willing to spend his precious time to guide and assist us in identifying the weaknesses of this project. Besides that, sufficient recommendations were also given by Mr. Satchit. Hence, without his guidance and persistent help, our research project would not have been possible.
Moreover, we are also like to show gratitude to our lead lecturer of Research Methodology and Project, Ms. Lee Voon Hsien for providing us with so much useful information and guidance during the entire period in conducting our project. She has continually conveyed an excitement in regard to teaching this subject.
Additionally, we are grateful to all the respondents who were willing to spend their valuable time to help us in filling up and completing the survey questionnaires. Without their contribution, our research project would not have been completed.
Furthermore, we would like to delicate special thanks to our second examiner, Ms. Ng Shwu Shing for giving us suggestions and recommendations during VIVA presentation. Her suggestions and recommendations are indeed useful and helpful in enhancing this research project.
Lastly, we would like to show our gratitude to everyone who has contributed and helped us in completing this project.