Neat Stuff
Neat Stuff
Individual paperWrite in the first person!!!! ONLYFocus on 2 or 3 things that have resonatedMBTIArticles etc.Dig deep into the “So what” What impact did it have on me in my leadership styleWhat changed for meWhat part of the rock didn’t I see beforeStop BEFORE you get to implementationWhy its important to make the changes.NOT into the actual implementationAll of work count going into digging deepDON’T woo her. Dig deep for me!Professional can be a bit less formalized from Business academiaRefer to the writings and activitiesAPA styleCan be retrospective.In the past this happenedThis is how I would approach it in the futureCan incorporate things that you are already trying to do.MBTI Use titles and sub-titles to build a story. title should be short twitter style.You can use readings from other courses but the focus should be on this course.Leadership ChallengeThe lady is the ONLY executive.Runs 100 and some doctorsCarve out a slice of the pie. FOCUS on one!ONLY ADDRESS THE QUESTIONS! ONLY ONE OF THEM!ONLY 2-3 recommendationsHow much of this course should be tied into the presentation?Don’t drop course specific words.They wont understand it.This is a lot of leadership issues. THEY NEED TO LOOK INTO LEADERSHIP!!!!This is baby steps.Don’t focus on actual implementation!Recommendations need to be functionalBut we don’t need to focus on how they do it.Dig Deeper:Collegial and respectful collaboration don’t get defensive.“That is out of scope” this isn’t something that we looked into or worked on.Be creative – make it memorableDON’T read for the presentation. Make it memorable and make it personal.Share responsibility – all members should presentSpeak to the panel, not to the whole group. LDFP is the client!!Introduce yourself Don’t readDON’T USE THE WORD HUGE!! Creating and communicating vision; Succession planning; managing multiple constituencies – Level 4/5 leadership knowledge.Lvl 4/5 do this naturallyLvl 3 need to be told to do this.Boal’sThree Pillars of Strat LeadershipCognitive capacity – MBA do this the best.Ties into absorptive capacityHow open are you to learning?Social intelligence Managerial wisdomHow in tune are you with your team?Emotional intelligence.How is a employee with a Introversion tendency going to respond to an open office space?Behavioural capacityCapacity to changeHow nimble are you?Elephant turns slowly. Personal and corporateDiscernment: The ability to perceive variation in the environment and an understanding of the social players and their relationships.Requires social intelligence and emotional intelligenceIs this being looked at overall or are you slicing and dicing to figure out the roomStrategic Inflecion points“… Changes in fundamental industry dynamics, technologies and strategies that create opportunities for strategic leaders to develop new visions,…”Knowing when there is an opportunity to implement changeTechnology – what is your capacity for changePaying enough attention to know when is the right time. Ability to look ahead to anticipate the right time for change.What is the dream external change? What is the worst external change?Identifying these change can be helpful in nimbility.Recognition is essentialStrategic:Set long term directionThink broadlySeek way to grow businessAlign people and visionForcefulTake chargeTake standsLeadership presenceDecisionSet expectationsAccountableMake tough callsAsk probing questionsEnablingCreate guidelines for others to be forcesEmpowerReceptive to here others standResponsive to needsUnderstand when others don’t deliverShare the limelightOperationalShort term resultsInvolved in operational detailGrounded in realityImplement strategyPeople on track – perhaps most importantMonitor progresses to keepCollins Reading:The crucial question is NOT: what do good-to great companies have in commonThe crucial question is: what do they have in common that distinguishes them from comparison companies?Steps from good to great:Lvl 5 leadershipFirst who then whatGet the wrong people off the busConfront brutal facts yet never lose faithA culture of disciplineFlywheel momentum to breakthrough and beyond Technology acceleratorsNot a fadImplement them appropriatelyQuinn: Moments of Gretness4 Questions to ask yourself:Am I results centered?Am I focused on the bottom line onlyAm I internally directed?How are you impacting other peopleAre you lvl 5 or a lvl 3Are you giving people what they needAm I other focused?Am I concerned or interested in what others around me have going on.You want to learn about where they are struggling and help themAm I externally open?Ideally, you want to say yes to all 4.Personal reflections:Lack of personal awareness of introversion has lead to an emotional shutdown. Failure to acknowledge the essential need for a battery charge time has resulted in detachment and inability to meaningfully contribute today.Interesting idea put forward that for a manager to be promoted they must have cultivated a successor.Tie MBTI to Quinns article about Externally Open.There are ways to ramp yourself up.I like the idea that you need to have trained a successor to your position before you are able to move out of the position. This requires a openness that is lackingReally Like this ideaFind the article that it ties into
Essay About Lack Of Personal Awareness Of Introversion And Social Intelligence Managerial Wisdomhow
Essay, Pages 1 (821 words)
Latest Update: April 2, 2021
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Lack Of Personal Awareness Of Introversion And Social Intelligence Managerial Wisdomhow. (April 2, 2021). Retrieved from