Starbucks Hrm
Essay title: Starbucks Hrm
Starbucks HRM
In 2005, Starbucks was placed second among large companies in the Fortune “Best Companies to Work For” survey. The employees are very important for every company, so also for Starbucks. The front-end employees have a boundary spanning position in the company. They interact with the internal and external environment of the company. Thats why its very important to attract the right people with the right skills and capabilities and to train those employees to improve their selves. Thats why Starbucks used this recruitment motto: “To have the right people hiring the right people.” The employees, especially those on the frontline, are critical to the success of retail businesses like Starbucks. Most companies do not have a strong relationship with their employees, and consequently suffer from a high rate of employee turnover.

A lot of the existing companies ask their employees to express emotions to conform the customers expectations. Sometimes they act those emotions because they dont feel them. This can be very stressful for the employees. Starbucks realized early on that motivated

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Large Companies And Right People. (July 12, 2021). Retrieved from