Opinion About the Legend of Sam – Presentation or Speech – jofijose
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Opinion About the Legend of Sam
Please describe your opinion about the legend of Sam.To whom this legend helps? Or maybe not help but hurts?The story of legend of Sam helps the new consultant who came to see the company’s current position. According to my point of view Sam was not a bad plant manager. He was a man of good qualities and he always wanted to have the best output from his employees. But the employees hated him because they were so lazy and they never did their job perfectly. There are two main incidents that help the new consultant to know about the employees who works there. The first one is the employee’s addresses Sam as a gorilla that clearly shows that the employees never respect anyone and the second incident is about the car. All these incidents are the lessons for the new inspector who came to help the company.

What can we say about this organizational culture? Weak? Strong? Do you want to work in such organization? Why?   This company is having a very weak organizational culture. Because if they have a good organizational culture they will never have hostile labor- management relations, low productivity, and poor quality. I personally never want to work in this kind of organization. Because if work in this organization my experience will be also same like Sam. Because of lack of good organizational culture, a weak and negative culture has perpetual morale problems. Widespread pessimism discourages self-starters, stifling creativity and innovation. The low morale might poison the whole organization just like this organization, to the point that even customers can tell nobody likes working there.

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(2018, 12). Opinion About the Legend of Sam. EssaysForStudent.com. Retrieved 12, 2018, from
“Opinion About the Legend of Sam” EssaysForStudent.com. 12 2018. 2018. 12 2018 < "Opinion About the Legend of Sam." EssaysForStudent.com. EssaysForStudent.com, 12 2018. Web. 12 2018. < "Opinion About the Legend of Sam." EssaysForStudent.com. 12, 2018. Accessed 12, 2018. Essay Preview By: jofijose Submitted: December 10, 2018 Essay Length: 318 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Presentation or Speech Views: 161 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Cloning Technology Opinion Paper Why shouldn't humans attempt to clone living organisms including humans? Why do people think it is wrong? Nevertheless, natural cloning occurs everywhere. All plants, some 881 Words  |  4 Pages Sam Adams - American Patriot Samuel Adams was born in Boston, Massachusetts. He was a well-known American patriot, which was a leader of the resistance to British policy before 561 Words  |  3 Pages Jimi Hendrix: Rock 'n' Roll Legend Jimi Hendrix: Rock 'n' Roll Legend The extraordinary performances, recording, and lyrics of James Marshall Hendrix have made him impossible to forget. This American rock 2,301 Words  |  10 Pages Jimi Hendrix: Rock 'n' Roll Legend Jimi Hendrix: Rock 'n' Roll Legend The extraordinary performances, recording, and lyrics of James Marshall Hendrix have made him impossible to forget. This American rock 2,301 Words  |  10 Pages Similar Topics Sam Psychology Movie Review Public Opinions Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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