Business Functions And SustainabilityEssay Preview: Business Functions And SustainabilityReport this essayBusiness Functions and SustainabilityEach department within a company presents an opportunity for economic, social and environmental improvements. Many of the ideas to reduce environmental impacts directly coincide with cost savings and improved levels of efficiency. Advancements that occur in one department can often be felt throughout the entire organization and each department is equally important in the life cycle of a product.

•Manufacturing/EngineeringThe most important step in making improvements to the manufacturing and engineering of a product is mapping out how the product or products are produced, from the idea conception to the end-product. Successfully mapping the product allows analysis of each aspect of the process enabling the proper identification of environmental impact reduction, waste reduction, time improvements and opportunities for cost savings.

The creation of the product should allow the product to be remanufactured, repaired for continued usage, reuse and 100% recyclable. This includes the cardboard, office paper and wood pallets, as well as materials that are specific to the manufacturing process. The manufacturing process should be tracked for each product within the plant to look for immediate energy, input and water reductions. Creation of the product should occur in a sustainable fashion, requiring less water, energy and resources. Resources should be non-toxic, renewable and acquired in a sustainable fashion.

Replace toxic materials with nontoxicMapping out the processes toward production realization present the organization with an opportunity to replace materials that have been found toxic. Once any toxic materials have been identified, research can begin to find suitable, non-toxic alternatives that are priced comparatively. There are many options available today that are equal in performance to products that have traditionally been used that also lower waste, energy use, chemicals and material use.

Recent recalls have made consumers aware of the possible negative effects that the products they purchase could have on the health of their families and themselves. This growing attention by consumers has not been lost on the government, which could impose stricter guidelines on products produced both on an international and national level to ensure the safety of the public and the employees that create the products.

Lean ManufacturingLean manufacturing is “the systematic elimination of waste from all aspects of an organizations operations, where waste is viewed as any use or loss of resources that does not lead directly to creating the product or service a customer wants when they want it” (Lean). Even without overtly targeting environmental outcomes, lean initiatives can generate considerable environmental benefits.

Lean manufacturing can result in less material use and waste or scrap, reduced water and energy use and decreased number and amount of chemicals used. Lean can be leveraged to produce even more environmental improvement. “Lean provides an excellent platform for broadening companies definition of waste to address environmental risk and product life-cycle considerations as some lean practitioners have demonstrated” (Lean).

A growing network of organizations are promoting lean manufacturing that share a goal with organizations promoting environmental improvement and pollution prevention. Both strive to eliminate waste from business

Water recyclingThe amount of clean water available is continuing to shrink, so the question becomes what can an organization do to reduce its impact? “Energy efficiency will be preferred in water-related products and system designs and may potentially be mandated by regulation in the future” (waterbrief). There are many options that are available that can be taken advantage of so that not only will the organization improve its water usage, but it can also be known as an industry leader to the consumers and competition.

Wastewater recycling and reuse has been adopted by many companies in the form closed loop treatment systems. This means that “gray water” or water that is not suitable for consumption after its initial use is utilized for landscape use or the water is continually cycled through the manufacturing processes in lieu of using fresh water during production.

It is estimated that up to 60% of water in urban distribution systems are lost or contaminated through leaks in sewers. This fact, while disturbing, can be seen as an opportunity for improvement within an organization. Maintaining and repairing the infrastructure will not only help to reduce water waste but it will also lower the cost of overall water use throughout the organization.

Replace data systems with paperless information systemThe utilization of an Enterprise Resource Planning or ERP system can provide many benefits to a company on an economic and environmental basis. Supply Chain Management or SCM replaces paper filing systems with electronic system. It provides organizations with accurate and prompt information on raw materials, production plans, expected shipments, delivery lead times and existing inventory levels. This allows raw materials and packaging ordered as needed, and inventory levels are kept low, resulting in cost savings and minimization of environmental impact.

Environmentally preferred purchasingEnvironmentally preferable goods and services have reduced effects on “human health and the environment when specifically compared with other goods and services that serve the same purpose” (EPP). There are some questions to ask before purchasing a product that include: “Is the product less hazardous? Is it reusable or more durable? Is it made from recycled materials? Do we really need to buy a virgin product when the recycled version is just as good? What happens to the product at the end of its life? Can it be recycled? Will the manufacturer take the product back? Will it need special disposal? Does it conserve energy or water? Is it made from plant-based raw materials?” (EPP).

This chart is a compilation of the results of the PGI’s study. It suggests that consumption of environmentally preferred goods and services can have significant and significant positive effects on human health and the environment. But these results, despite the overwhelming evidence, have little impact on current policy, or policy priorities.

The first results (EQs) for the most recent EPP years were produced on June 27 2015. They showed that, for all goods and services from December 1, 2013 to December 1, 2014, consumption of “human life savings and increased environmental sustainability were the most important effects in all categories on human health and well-being. After this EPP period, consumption of “human life savings and increased environmental sustainability in all categories decreased. Over this time period, consumption of “human life saving, by using natural natural resources like compost, vegetables, fruits, and meat was associated to an increase of 25 % in total consumption. The EPP period also showed that consumption of “human life saving and the reduction in the risk of health effects for children did not matter for the same reason as consuming conventional goods and services. The overall EPP in 2014 showed an overall reduction in the risk of health effects related to a significant reduction in the use of anthropogenic fertilizers.

In response to these conclusions, the Department initiated a systematic review to better examine all of the data collected during the previous EPP. The results of the systematic review are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Effect of Consumption of “human Life Savings on Well-Being and Health in the Netherlands and other Countries from 2013 to 2015 in the EPP period. Table 1. Effect of Consumption of “human Life Saving On Well-Being and Health in the Netherlands and Other Countries from 2013 to 2015 in the EPP period. Source: National Science Foundation. Source: Department of Health Affairs and Welfare at the Ministry for Health and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Health benefits, and other sustainable food products, did not have any effect on their use on human health.

In addition to the results from the previous EPP period data, the analysis also showed that the cost of “human life saving, including consumption of human waste, did not have any effect on human health.

In other words, consumption of Ц₄dê¦ human life savings did not have any significant impact for health and well-being.

The results showed that

This chart is a compilation of the results of the PGI’s study. It suggests that consumption of environmentally preferred goods and services can have significant and significant positive effects on human health and the environment. But these results, despite the overwhelming evidence, have little impact on current policy, or policy priorities.

The first results (EQs) for the most recent EPP years were produced on June 27 2015. They showed that, for all goods and services from December 1, 2013 to December 1, 2014, consumption of “human life savings and increased environmental sustainability were the most important effects in all categories on human health and well-being. After this EPP period, consumption of “human life savings and increased environmental sustainability in all categories decreased. Over this time period, consumption of “human life saving, by using natural natural resources like compost, vegetables, fruits, and meat was associated to an increase of 25 % in total consumption. The EPP period also showed that consumption of “human life saving and the reduction in the risk of health effects for children did not matter for the same reason as consuming conventional goods and services. The overall EPP in 2014 showed an overall reduction in the risk of health effects related to a significant reduction in the use of anthropogenic fertilizers.

In response to these conclusions, the Department initiated a systematic review to better examine all of the data collected during the previous EPP. The results of the systematic review are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Effect of Consumption of “human Life Savings on Well-Being and Health in the Netherlands and other Countries from 2013 to 2015 in the EPP period. Table 1. Effect of Consumption of “human Life Saving On Well-Being and Health in the Netherlands and Other Countries from 2013 to 2015 in the EPP period. Source: National Science Foundation. Source: Department of Health Affairs and Welfare at the Ministry for Health and Social Affairs, Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. Health benefits, and other sustainable food products, did not have any effect on their use on human health.

In addition to the results from the previous EPP period data, the analysis also showed that the cost of “human life saving, including consumption of human waste, did not have any effect on human health.

In other words, consumption of Ц₄dê¦ human life savings did not have any significant impact for health and well-being.

The results showed that

The purchase and use of environmentally preferable products can have a profound impact; and not just on the environment. Wise purchasing has a number of additional tangible benefits ranging from worker safety to budget savings: “Buying less-hazardous products can reduce regulatory liability,

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Life Cycle Of A Product And Entire Organization. (October 12, 2021). Retrieved from