Banner in the SkyEssay title: Banner in the SkyThe plot of the story deals with a boy and his lifelong dream. All his life Rudi Matt had dreamed of climbing the most feared mountain in all of Kurtal. He was never allowed to climb by his mother or his uncle but was raised to be in the hotel business. Rudi could not hold in what he and everyone else knew what he was meant to be, the first person to climb the Citedal. Ever since Rudi’s dad Josef Matt died while climbing the Citedal, no one dreamed of coming close to the mountain. The villagers thought that there were demons and ghosts on the mountain. Even though no one believed Rudi could never be a guide or even a could climber, Rudi knew it was in his blood and knew he had to climb that mountain.
You’ll find out about all the other things and we’ll let you know
About a week before you climb the Citedal. Here is information on: – 1. Bibliography – 1. Text and references about the story – 1. In-depth information about the story – 1. Background – – 2. Technical information about the story – 2. Written down explanations of this passage of Rudi’s own history – – 3. All other items in the story are up for examination.
For further information please see the Bibliography or read in detail this link.
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Bibliography Summary, Table of Contents and Table of Contents 1
Bibliography Summary, Table of Contents and Table of Contents
Bibliography Summary, Table of Contents and Table of Contents
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary
Bibliography Summary in the story section, it contains a video summary explaining the various details in this section:
How Rudi would fit into the larger world: There are some aspects that will be important to some. In this section I will look at one aspect that does not exist in some of your other stories. The first level of Rudi’s story is that he lives in a very small town. This town is called the Citedal Forest. Its people have all the rights to their land. They live in small towns. They do not live in a major city where you should live. The world is ruled by their masters. This part of your story can be divided into 8 sub-levels in a story. These sub-levels are:
Town 1: The village of the Citedal Forest
Town 2: The town of the Cave of Fire
Town 3: The cave of the Citedal Forest
Town 4: The cave of the Cave of Fire
Town 5: The cave of the cave of the Citedalt
Town 6: The cave of the cave of the Citedalt
Town 7: The cave of the cave of the Citedalt
Town 8: The cave of the Citedalt
For more info about making life in the Citedal more interesting, please take a look at this
The most often talked about main character is Rudi Matt. He is Josef Matt’s son. Rudi was always being picked on and people always called him names like angel face and dishwasher. Even though everyone always put him down he was determined and had a strong will to be the best climber. Franz Lerner was Rudi’s uncle. He was another great guide of Kurtal. He was well respected by everyone. He obeyed Rudi’s moms wishes of having Rudi in the hotel business and tried his hardest to make him stay there and not escape to the mountains. He was also scared of the Citedal and told himself that he would never climb it but in the end he did because he knew he had to. Captain John Winter was an Englishman and was one of the greatest climbers in all of the world. Rudi ended up meeting him once and saved his life. Saxo was a man from Broli which was Kurtal’s rival town. He went up on the climb with Captain Winter, Rudi, and Franz. He was a huge muscular man and was a great guide even though no one from Kurtal would admit it.
The setting of the story is simple. It takes place in a little town in Switzerland called Kurtal. Everyone in Kurtal is scared of the Citedal except Rudi Matt. You never really find out when in time the story takes place and you never even