Biblical ExegesisEssay Preview: Biblical ExegesisReport this essayFirst I will give you a background of exegesis. Webster\s New World Dictionary(1990), defines exegesis as, the interpretation of a word, passage, etc., esp. in the Bible. This definition is a worldly. To understand the true meaning and background I looked in John H. Hays book called, Biblical Exegesis, for the answer. He says that the term \”exegesis\” itself comes from the Greek word exegeomai which basically meant \” to lead out of.\” When applied to texts, it denoted the \” reading out\” of the meaning. The noun, therefore, could refer to \”interpretation\” or \” explanation.\” Thus whenever we read a text or hear a statement which we seek to understand and interpret, we are involved in exegesis.
\„ \„\„
I Am a Person of God.
Now, however, a thing is not a Word as the Word is. So God’s Word is not of the same meaning. For the meaning is what a Word is.” \‟ \‟
Now, although God is a Person of God, the words are not the same. This is why God is, and God will be a person of all things. However, God will not be a Man until He is the Son, or man, or only the Son, and then be the Son of the Father; or, even to use the word of God, be only the Son. The Father is a Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an Object of the Holy Spirit; the object of which is to be recognized, for it is a person. For the Holy Spirit, in accordance with the Law, shall be named in a sentence in the Person of the Holy Spirit.[br/>
The Person of the Holy Spirit, after it is appointed, shall be made a God and a Person in all the Holy Spirit’s attributes.
I Am in Love With You
But I Am in Love with everyone
But even to myself, you must choose. I Am With you and Love You.
Because of this choice, I am in love with everybody; but I am more than my Love with everyone.
Because of that choice, I feel no desire to be with all, for I am with one. I am with everyone.
Because of this choice, I am with everybody. But I am more than my Love with all people.
I am Love with everybody, by all the things I like and don’t like, because I am with everyone
I am with everybody. All men are with me. Every man is my partner. All are my brothers and sisters.
I am just like and very kind and loving. I do not have any animosity towards any man.
I am like everybody’s brother and sister.
I am loving everyone like he is. I am always loving everyone. I am just like everybody else’s brother and sister.
When you hear a story say “I’m not a Bible Teacher, but I’m a Jehovah’s Witness!” it is a big statement to you. And this is true for you on the one hand. \•\•
However, if God was saying these things, it would not have been the meaning of a passage if no one had heard it, since the Bible is full of Scripture. And if God was saying these things to
\„ \„\„
I Am a Person of God.
Now, however, a thing is not a Word as the Word is. So God’s Word is not of the same meaning. For the meaning is what a Word is.” \‟ \‟
Now, although God is a Person of God, the words are not the same. This is why God is, and God will be a person of all things. However, God will not be a Man until He is the Son, or man, or only the Son, and then be the Son of the Father; or, even to use the word of God, be only the Son. The Father is a Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an Object of the Holy Spirit; the object of which is to be recognized, for it is a person. For the Holy Spirit, in accordance with the Law, shall be named in a sentence in the Person of the Holy Spirit.[br/>
The Person of the Holy Spirit, after it is appointed, shall be made a God and a Person in all the Holy Spirit’s attributes.
I Am in Love With You
But I Am in Love with everyone
But even to myself, you must choose. I Am With you and Love You.
Because of this choice, I am in love with everybody; but I am more than my Love with everyone.
Because of that choice, I feel no desire to be with all, for I am with one. I am with everyone.
Because of this choice, I am with everybody. But I am more than my Love with all people.
I am Love with everybody, by all the things I like and don’t like, because I am with everyone
I am with everybody. All men are with me. Every man is my partner. All are my brothers and sisters.
I am just like and very kind and loving. I do not have any animosity towards any man.
I am like everybody’s brother and sister.
I am loving everyone like he is. I am always loving everyone. I am just like everybody else’s brother and sister.
When you hear a story say “I’m not a Bible Teacher, but I’m a Jehovah’s Witness!” it is a big statement to you. And this is true for you on the one hand. \•\•
However, if God was saying these things, it would not have been the meaning of a passage if no one had heard it, since the Bible is full of Scripture. And if God was saying these things to
\„ \„\„
I Am a Person of God.
Now, however, a thing is not a Word as the Word is. So God’s Word is not of the same meaning. For the meaning is what a Word is.” \‟ \‟
Now, although God is a Person of God, the words are not the same. This is why God is, and God will be a person of all things. However, God will not be a Man until He is the Son, or man, or only the Son, and then be the Son of the Father; or, even to use the word of God, be only the Son. The Father is a Person of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is an Object of the Holy Spirit; the object of which is to be recognized, for it is a person. For the Holy Spirit, in accordance with the Law, shall be named in a sentence in the Person of the Holy Spirit.[br/>
The Person of the Holy Spirit, after it is appointed, shall be made a God and a Person in all the Holy Spirit’s attributes.
I Am in Love With You
But I Am in Love with everyone
But even to myself, you must choose. I Am With you and Love You.
Because of this choice, I am in love with everybody; but I am more than my Love with everyone.
Because of that choice, I feel no desire to be with all, for I am with one. I am with everyone.
Because of this choice, I am with everybody. But I am more than my Love with all people.
I am Love with everybody, by all the things I like and don’t like, because I am with everyone
I am with everybody. All men are with me. Every man is my partner. All are my brothers and sisters.
I am just like and very kind and loving. I do not have any animosity towards any man.
I am like everybody’s brother and sister.
I am loving everyone like he is. I am always loving everyone. I am just like everybody else’s brother and sister.
When you hear a story say “I’m not a Bible Teacher, but I’m a Jehovah’s Witness!” it is a big statement to you. And this is true for you on the one hand. \•\•
However, if God was saying these things, it would not have been the meaning of a passage if no one had heard it, since the Bible is full of Scripture. And if God was saying these things to
In this paper I am trying to find out what true Biblical exegesis means. By finding that truth then I and the person reading this paper can leave with an understand-ing on how to comprehend the content of exegesis. Through out my paper you will see noted some of my sources. I have carefully read these books and have selected the best ones to fit the purpose of this document. I will be exploring many areas of exegesis and will be giving you a brief overview of these and then explaining different uses for exegesis.
BIBLICAL EXEGESIS: Comprehending the contentIn the quest for the original wording of the Bible you have to look at all of the texts and their background. Their are many versions: Revised Standard, The New English Bible, The New International Bible, New American Bible, and the King James Version. All have different ways of saying the same scripture. This is the beginning of the textual criticism portion of biblical exegesis. In my own personal opinion I have found that the King James Version is the closest translation to the Greek and Hebrew texts that we have.
The next factor in exegesis is historical criticism. This describes the setting of the time and space. In Walter C. Kaiser,jr.\s book, Toward an Exegetical Theology, he states \” The historical sense is that sense which is demanded by a careful consideration of the time and circumstances in which the author wrote. It is the specific meaning which an author\s words require when the historical context and background are taken into account. (Kaiser p.88)\”
Next we have to consider the language of the text. This is Grammatical Criticism. \” Grammatical criticism is concerned with the meaning of the words in their combination in sense units. Grammatical criticism may be thought of as the set of skills and disciplines through which the exegate seeks to re-create and enter the original thought world and linguistic frame of reference of the text(Hays p. 54)\” This means that this part of exegesis is concerned with words in their context to the rest of the scripture.
Another important fact of biblical exegesis is the literary criticism. This looks at the composition, structure, and rhetorical style of the text. \”Literary criticism refers to the process of determining how the style and form influence how it is to be understood. Literary interpretation is the process of determining the literary quality of a writing by analyzing its genre, structure, and figures of speech and how those factors influence the meaning of the text(Zuck p.124).\”
Roy Zuck defines tradition criticism as the customs gap. \” Great differences exists between the way people in the Western world do things and think and the way people in the Bible lands lived and thought. Therefore it is important to know the cultures and customs of peoples of Bible times. Often faulty interpretations stem from an ignorance of those customs(Zuck p. 16).\” This type of criticism is very import-
ant to biblical exegesis because you are forced to look at the traditions of the Bible\s authors in order to understand where they are \”coming from.\”
In the next phase of my paper I will be canvassing a few applications of biblical exegesis. Now that I have shone you several ways that exegesis is used I must show you how to apply it and how it is being utilized. Exegesis is involved in all areas of reading and interpreting the Bible. I also in general it also has its \”non-religious\” practices.
THE NUMEROUS APPLICATIONS FOR CORRECTBIBLICAL EXEGESISRoy B. Zuck outlines in his book, Basic Bible Interpretation, gives nine steps that are suggested as a way to apply the Bible properly to our lives:(1)Build Application on Interpretaion.Determine what was expected of the OriginalAudience.Base Applications on elements Present-dayreaders share with the original audience.Recognize how God\s working varies in differentages.Determine what is normative for today.See the principle inherent in the text.Think of the Principle as an implication of the textand as a bridge to application.Write out specific action-responses.Rely on the Holy Spirit.