Literature Response Outline – Book/Movie Report – apenation
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Literature Response Outline
Literature Response Outline Name: Niyi Ayedun Date Report Due: Feb 13, 2017Title of Book: Pilgrims Progress Copyright Date: 1994Author: John Bunyan Number of Pages: 252Point of View: Third personReason for Choice: I was given this book as an assignment for my English class.Setting: The story is set in a town called Celestial City during a time of Devastation. Celestial City is not based on a physical location. It represents the kingdom of the Lord. There is no true time in the story because it could be about anyone at any given moment.Characters: 1. Christian: Christian is the protagonist of the story. He is trying to find his way closer to God even though it means leaving his family behind. This is the story of his journey from the City of Devastation to Celestial City including all of his troubles and triumphs. He also tries to share the truth of the Lord with other pilgrims along the way. Christian stays humble enough to learn some lessons as well. 2. Evangelist: Evangelist appears in the story as a helper to relieve of Christian’s burden and fear. He occasionally reappears to set Christian back on track if he is ever led astray and reassure him of his hope.
3. Mr. Worldly Wiseman: Mr. Worldly Wiseman is the antagonist that gives Christian the temptation to stray away from God. He tells Christian to ignore Evangelist’s advice, and that he can shed his burden by going to the town of Morality and following guidance of Mr. Legality.Plot Summary:In the story Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian, the main character travels to find the Celestial City after realizing he lived in the City of Devastation. Christian goes on an adventure to Celestial City and along the way he meets different entities. Some of them help him on his journey and some try and deceive him.Resolution: Christian eventually made it to the Celestial City, where he encountered God and all his servants. Christian never gave up on his goal to reach the gates of heaven, even though he had some major setbacks from evil entities such as Mr. Worldly Wiseman and Ignorance. Christian wouldn’t have come such a long way without his guardians Evangelist and Hopeful.Theme: I think the main theme of the story is about the importance of reading. This story shows how necessary it is to read the bible and to truly grasp the meaning of God and his word. The bible helps every that has gone astray reach salvation.Vocabulary: 1. Abhor – v. Regard with disgust and hatred.2. Amity – n. A friendly relationship.3. Timorous – adj. Showing or suffering from nervousness.Literary Devices: ● Allegory – The entire book is an allegory because the characters and places represent the search for Christ. Christian is based on a person who believes in the Lord.
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By: apenation
Submitted: February 15, 2017
Essay Length: 784 Words / 4 Pages
Paper type: Book/Movie Report Views: 398
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