Story Of An Hour
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This short-story revolves around what goes through a persons head when informed that a close family member has perished. However, I wouldnt say that this is the theme of the story, which Ill get back to. Louise Mallard is a young, yet married woman who suffers from heart trouble, and thats why her closest relatives feel that they have to break the news to her as gently as possible. Immediately after hearing the shocking news, Louise starts crying, and storms into her room. Since Louise spends the majority of the short-story in her room, this is the setting of the story. Noone really knows early in the story how Louise really feels about her husband dying. But the author certainly gives some evident hints.

The fourth paragraphs content, which revolves around the period of time where Louise has just entered her room, is fairly surprising. Everyone would expect Louise to weep with agony and pain, but instead she sits calmly down: “There stood, facing an open window, a comfortable, roomy armchair.” The interested reader will already here discover that something is terribly wrong, since a word like comfortable is used. A newly widdowed woman would probably not look upon a chair as comfortable shortly after receiving the terrible news; the most likely reaction would rather be to smash the chair into pieces! From her position in the armchair, she suddenly starts studying the nature outside the window: “The delicious breath of rain was in the air. In the street below a peddler was crying his wares. The notes of a distant song which some was singing reached her faintly, and countless sparrows were twittering in the eaves.” All these descriptions are beautiful images of life, making the reader quite confused until Louises reaction is explained. As Chopin puts it: “She said it over and over under her breath: free, free, free!” This feeling; freedom, is obviously something Louise hasnt felt for a really long time. She now rambles on about that she loved him, but now she is perfectly happy and more than that with the fact that she had regained her freedom. As Chopin puts it; “What could love (..) count for for in face of this possession of self-assertion which she suddenly recognized as the strongest impulse of her being!” Louise now has more positive energy and vitality than ever, and even calls herself a “Goddess of victory”. Her sister, Josephine, is worried about the amount of time Louise has spent in her room all alone, and anxiously knocks on the door, asking whether shes alright. Feeling better than ever and imagining a new life filled with happiness and freedom, she willingly opens the door and descends down the stairs.

Josephine and Louise are, together with Brenty Mallard (her husband) and his friend Richards, the only characters mentioned by name in the short-story. And according to the guidelines in which a short-story optimately should follow, having few characters with personal traits is entirely correct. The author doesnt tell a lot about Richards, but the other characters can be personalised easily. I wont describe Louise here, since its fairly easy to decide what shes like by reading the rest of the analysis. It seems to me like Josephine is a typical sister, and presumably the oldest of the two. Shes extremely worried when it comes to exposing Louises fragile heart to pressure and sudden shocks and surprises, which generally shows that she loves her sister wholeheartedly, and doesnt want something bad to happen to her.

Apparently, Brenty doesnt treat his wife particularly well. Louise is unhappy with her marriage, and doesnt feel a bit free. Generally, women werent liberated during the 19th century. Traditionally, they did all the hard work in the house. Female liberation wasnt put on the agenda until the 1960s. But I think its all fair and square to say that Brenty lacks some humanitarian values that are important to be successfully married. The end of the short-story comes extremely surprising to the reader and is fairly unimaginable to Louise, hence her reaction. Her husband didnt die in the railroad disaster after all; he stands at the bottom of the stairs, eagerly waiting to embrace his seemingly dear wife with love and compassion. The fact that Brenty returns is clearly the turn in the plot.

Spotting her supposedly dead husband again makes Louises heart condition unstable, and she dies momentarily. This is undoubtedly the climax of the plot, although the situation is in the very end of the story. Chopins use

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Louise Mallard And Short-Story. (July 2, 2021). Retrieved from