Apple Report
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Apple — Think different
Why we choose Apple?
Brief market position
Objectives for being offline for Apple
Objectives for being online for Apple
Demonstration for online/offline operation
Why we choose Apple?
Apple is a well known company for its innovative products, such as iPod, iPhone, Mac computers. The stylish designs and user-friendly interface of Apple’s products make them has many adopters worldwide. Today Apple is literally an iconic company. Look at your iPod: the company name appears only in the small print. From its first computer in 1977 to the mouse-driven Macintosh in 1984, the iPod music-player in 2001 and now the iPhone, Apple has prospered by keeping just ahead of the times.

Now, many people have been rushing in for its product. To meet their needs, Apple provides both online stores in several countries and offline stores.
Brief summary of market position
iPod market share is about 80% (PC Magazine)
Gartner predicted Apple will double its U.S. and Western Europe computer market share by 2011
2/3 of Apple machines sold in US are laptops
More revenue than rivals, because its machines are generally more expensive
Objectives for being offline for Apple
Apple Company was formed in 1976, absolutely; it started with the offline stores.
The main objective of being offline is to satisfy customers’ demand which is trying, touching, and feeling the products before purchasing as well as reach the experience since Apple stores are often special in term of design and style.

Offline stores also provide conveniences for those users who are not familiar with computer.

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Main Objective And Online Stores. (July 1, 2021). Retrieved from