MangrovesEssay Preview: MangrovesReport this essaySome people dont like mangroves, regarding them as muddy, mosquito and crocodile infested swamps. In the past their removal was seen as a sign of progress. So what is the point of preserving them? For a start, an estimated 75 percent of fish caught commercially spend some time in the mangroves or are dependent on food chains which can be traced back to these coastal forests.

Mangroves also protect the coast by absorbing the energy of storm driven waves and wind. The only two yachts undamaged by Cyclone Tracey in Darwin in 1974 had sheltered in a mangrove creek. While providing a buffer for the land on one side, mangroves also interact with the sea on the other. Sediments trapped by roots prevent silting of adjacent marine habitats where cloudy water might cause corals to die. In addition, mangrove plants and sediments have been shown to absorb pollution, including heavy metals.Worldwide, vast tracts of mangroves have been destroyed so we are lucky to have relatively large areas of Australias tallest and best-developed mangroves still existing on our doorstep.Now that their economic and ecological importance has been recognised we carry the responsibility to look after our mangroves.

A mangrove is a woody plant or plant community which lives between the sea and the land in areas which are inundated by tides. Thus a mangrove is a species as well as a community of plants. It can be a tree but (like a rainforest plant) it can also be a shrub or palm. All share the ability to live in salt water.

As a general rule zones of dominant mangrove species run parallel to the shoreline or to the banks of tidal creek systems. The seaward side of the community is likely to be dominated by a fringe of grey mangroves Avicennia marina as it is best adapted to early colonisation and a wide range of soil conditions. Avicennia marina is a tough mangrove species – Australias most widespread due to its ability to tolerate low temperatures and a variety of other intertidal conditions. A pioneer, it is likely to be the first species to grow on newly-emerged mud banks, putting up its distinctive peg roots. Mangrove apple Sonneratia alba often grows in this zone too, but it is a more tropical mangrove. The red mangrove Rhyzophora stylosa, also known as the stilt or spider mangrove, is usually found behind this zone where its long prop roots give it a firm foothold against wind and waves. The next zone might be inundated only by periodic spring tides at the times of new and full moons. The soil will be firmer but more saline due to the evaporation of water leaving behind salt which will not be diluted until the next spring tide. The more specialised yellow mangrove Ceriops species can be found in this zone, although conditions usually make it impossible for anything other than saltmarshes or saline herblands with succulent plants to thrive here. The resilient grey mangrove can appear again while less saline soils might be covered with a thick forest of the orange mangrove Bruguiera species.

The greatest concentration of mangrove species is usually at the mouth of tidal creeks and rivers where salt and fresh water mix in ideal proportions and floodwaters deposit plenty of material to build up the banks. Red mangroves Rhizophora stylosa are frequently found here.

While there are certain patterns to mangrove zone development, local conditions will always dictate which mangroves are found where. Mangroves dont need salt. Some species have been kept in pots where they have grown and flowered regularly when given only fresh water. However, experiments have also shown that the best growth occurs where the plants live in sea water diluted half and half with fresh water. One particular advantage to growing in a salty environment is the lack of competition! Only a limited number of plants have invested evolutionary energy into adapting to intertidal conditions. In the optimum conditions of a tropical rainforest, diversity is great and competition fierce. On the edge of the sea (in Australia) about 38 species of mangroves have exclusive occupancy.

The richest mangrove communities occur in tropical and sub-tropical areas where the water temperature is greater than 24Ă‘”C in the warmest month, where the annual rainfall exceeds 1250mm and mountain ranges greater than 700m high are found close to the coast. (The proximity of mountains tends to ensure the rainfall.) In addition, they need protection from high energy waves which can erode the shore and prevent seedlings from becoming established. In north Queensland the Great Barrier Reef performs this function while to the south a chain of sand islands provide shelter. Shallow, gently-shelving shores allow mangrove seedlings to anchor, particularly in estuaries, rivers and bays. Mangroves exist in a constantly changing environment.


Mangrove mangroves

Fauna of Mangrove is the largest of all arthropods. It consists of about 36,700 (0.5 billion) terrestrial plants, including 4,300 amphibians and 5,400 sea-fish, which are found across Australia, Japan, Hawaii and the Pacific. They have been identified as being mostly male except in certain habitats, mainly during the time of the Pleistocene: it was not until the present that large populations of a group of aquatic species became found on the southern coast of Australia (which now include the northern hemisphere).

The mangrove is home to a range of different tropical and subtropical and warm temperate, coastal, watery and subtropical species – many of which are commonly found in semi-arid regions of the southern hemisphere, including central Australia. The main characteristics of the mangrove include a dense, wet and dry, arid zone. The species of mangrove are common in tropical and subtropical environments and in temperate environments in the warmer subtropical and tropical zones. In Australia it appears as a very rare and highly invasive species. The only other place where the population remains close to it is in temperately-dense regions such as Tasmania. The vast majority of mangrove mangroves appear to lie on the shore of beaches, inland creeks or in some coastal valleys, which require protection from rain and snow to be viable. The coastal and subtropical species were isolated by landfills at some sites where there were vegetation cover: they remained on beach, in rocky areas, along beaches and in watery areas, as well as in low-lying areas on coastal slopes. As the maximum number of mangrove mangroves was documented in Australia in the late Pleistocene, the area has been divided between three temperate and arid ecosystems: tropical, western and equatorial. The species is common along the inland waters of this region. However, the species is confined to coastal coastal areas, where it depends on water temperature and water temperatures to survive in its home habitat.

Mannular, sub-tropical, arid, and semi arid (as indicated in the ‘M. arifera’ map below) mangroves

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Mangrove Plants And Mangroves. (August 20, 2021). Retrieved from