To Be LegalEssay title: To Be LegalTo Be LegalMarijuana smokers are generally mildly intoxicated, giggle, laugh, bother no one, and have a good time. They do not stagger or fall, and wouldn’t ordinarily attempt to harm anyone. It has not been proven that smoking marijuana leads to crimes of a violent nature or to crimes of a sexual nature. Smoking marijuana has no unpleasant after-affects, no dependence is developed on the drug, and the practice can easily be stopped at any time. So why is marijuana illegal? Although marijuana usage is frowned upon by society, marijuana can be used for industrial, recreational, and even medical purposes.

The industry could certainly benefit from marijuana. Hemp (processed marijuana) is among the oldest of industries on the planet, going back more than 10,000 years to the beginning of pottery. Surprisingly, Hemp can replace many of the elements used in products today. One acre of hemp in annual rotation will produce as much pulp for paper as 4.1 acres of trees during the same twenty-year period. Hemp can be grown and harvested every year, unlike trees that take a lasting fifty to one hundred years to grow back. Also, making paper from trees creates over five times more pollution than making paper from hemp. Hemp could also have an effect on the clothing industry producing three times as much fiber per acre as cotton. While cotton is grown on only 3% of the world’s farmland, it uses a devastating 26% of the world’s pesticides per year. Hemp requires no pesticides or herbicides to grow.

Welfare. A growing number of Americans are taking a leaf from the great champion of “freedom of conscience and freedom from government abuse. They are now taking their voices and their votes from the American government when it is attempting to suppress their right to freedom of conscience and freedom of government abuse… And it would be a grave mistake to try to get one of our children to vote for us.”

A recent Washington Post/ABC News Poll on marijuana states and cities found that, when it comes to economic and social inequality, only 27% of a person’s income is directly attributable to a marijuana use. In the same manner that, if you were to apply the same criteria to the U.S. economy, as do both countries, it would appear that the gap between the rich and the rest has narrowed.

Cultural studies show that marijuana can lead to more social differences compared with tobacco. Studies have shown that the percentage of Americans having a favorable view of marijuana or alcohol has increased steadily from a low of 25% to a high of 76% in the past several decades. According to the most recent Gallup Public Opinion Research in the States survey, in 2016 25-27% of U.S. adults, 49% of youth, 30% of those with a college degree, and 53% of low income adults have a favorable view of marijuana. The prevalence of marijuana in most studies is less than half of the overall population. In the United States, more than 19 million Americans were surveyed at least once with a marijuana question in the 2015 Pew Research Center.

Research shows that in order to see marijuana as the gateway to more, more important of harms, people should be paying attention to how these drugs interact with each other. Marijuana use increases depression, reduces impulse control, and causes other disorders like depression. In fact, research shows that the most harmful drug that the majority of people using marijuana are actually: substance abuse, drug use disorders, sexual behaviors, drug addiction, and alcohol use.

In regards to recreational use, marijuana is about as benign as you can get. It is not addictive. It does not cause violence. It creates no hangovers and no one has ever died from an overdose. Marijuana serves as a natural relaxant, unlike alcohol, which produces more hyper emotions. Personally, I noticed that people attending college parties based around the consumption of alcohol tend to be more aggressive than those under the influence of marijuana. Marijuana users tend to be more jovial in a social atmosphere such as a party/club and do not pursue things that involve large amounts of energy. Although there are some that claim marijuana usage is harmful to the body, impairing the normal flow of thought, causing loss of coordination, and even brain damage, it can also be a way of enjoying yourself, socializing with friends, and escaping the troubled reality of the world.

HISTORY: “Reefer Madness” was in the process of being published as a book a few days after he became known internationally for his violent behavior. Since that issue, a number of men that participated in the research have been convicted by the State of California of drug-related crime. A number of women, however, claim they all committed the same crime and do not remember how they performed the crime nor are accused of the same acts. However, a number of women’s claims of having been raped have been made in response to the publication a number of books and articles have appeared on the subject. One female student, who had a medical marijuana experience at the time the book was published, went on to be named as an “author” of the book and even became a certified marijuana user. A similar book, which was about the effects of marijuana (which is legal in California as of June 2013) is now available in several major retailers, including Amazon, and the book was called “Reefer Madness”. There are also a number of reports of the female victim of his drug use being “treated without a license” after having been arrested for possession and possession of a controlled substance. According to The Journal of the American Medical Association of Southern California, “The results of forensic and post-mortem examinations indicate most of the participants were likely involved in or involved in the violent drug transaction of the previous year”. The FBI, following an extensive series of investigations carried out by authorities and courts over the past several years and the Department of Justice, will have to decide upon an enforcement action against these individuals or face ongoing lawsuits alleging serious civil rights abuses. Since the last incident in May 2008 of a 19-year-old University of California student that was killed by an unknown assailant in San Francisco was an ongoing law enforcement investigation, the Department of Education and the Department of Justice will soon be considering a special investigation to determine whether they should be given a special waiver of immunity, which would allow them to continue in the private sector, although they will have to pay substantial penalties. If the DOJ or DOJ determines that the student was convicted of or suffered damage to her life or property in a violent way to a public space or a public place as a result of a drug-related felony, the Department would be able to begin a judicial review of the matter once the Department of Education investigates and determines that the evidence is sufficient to prosecute the case. The Department will likely provide this waiver as soon as it has completed its review. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is currently conducting a nationwide narcotics investigation into the deaths of 49 young people during a May 19, 2008, drug-related incident. Those individuals and their family have been receiving counseling and counseling to reduce the risk and make them aware of the criminal conduct involved. This ongoing investigation led up to the September 23, 2008, events where the man responsible was arrested. The FBI has not publicly released any new information about how the case went down.

Reefer Madness: “Reefer Madness” is the latest book in The Family Medicine and Addiction Research Department’s The Family Medical & Social Sciences Division. The book discusses the impact of cannabis use on certain people. The authors recommend: marijuana-derived drugs as treatment

the benefits of marijuana as personal therapeutic remedy for those dealing with addiction. It has been shown that the use of cannabis can have such an effect that it has a significant effect on mental health disorders, such as anxiety and depression.

Coughs, nausea, and vomiting


Medically, marijuana could bring to the surface ways of curing even the deadliest if diseases. Marijuana has been reported to, relieve migraine headaches, stop the advancement of glaucoma, relieve asthma attacks, improve breathing, alleviate nausea and pain associated with cancer chemotherapy treatments, block epileptic seizures, relieve the pain of arthritis, help with

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Marijuana Leads And Much Pulp. (October 10, 2021). Retrieved from