Water Resource PlanEssay Preview: Water Resource PlanReport this essayIt is clear to me, after reviewing the video, that the water resource problem at hand is overfishing. I believe that overfishing has always been a problem, however, I feel as though it has become more of one recently. When you think of the word overfishing, what comes to mind? I am sure that the same thing came to your mind as it did to mine. Simply put, fishing too much. If that’s what you thought, congratulations, because that is exactly what overfishing is. Commercial and non-commercial fishermen are fishing so much that the fish cannot sustain their population. The fish become fewer and fewer, until there are no more fish to catch. This is also the result of fishermen catching so many adult fish that not enough remain to breed and replenish the population (Overfishing, 2007).
Overfishing has become a huge problem recently. I know that I could talk until I am blue in the face regarding this issue and how it has become more of a problem. I do not know about how, however, I seem to understand things more fully if I can actually see it. The State of the World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) release a two yearly report that breaks down what percentages of certain species of fish are either exploited or close to being exploited.
•52% of fish stocks are fully exploited•20% are moderately exploited•17% are overexploited•7% are depleted•1% are recovering from depletion (Overfishing, 2007)Based upon the statistics shown above, it is obvious that nearly 80% of the world’s fisheries are fully to over-exploited or depleted. With statistics as clear as these, one can only assume that overfishing is more destructive to the ocean than toxic pollution or degrading water quality (Declining Fish Stock VLR).
After discussing the issues regarding overfishing, the solution seems rather simple: stop pulling so many fish out of the ocean. While that is a huge part of it, I believe there are other steps to follow. Below is a table outlining action items in my sustainment plan for a solution to overfishing.
Action ItemsAction StepsTimelineEstablish marine reservesImplement the use of marine reserves (fenced off areas) for extractive use, such as fishing and mining.Month 1-4Reduce BycatchContinue to implement and better develop the gear used while fishing to eliminate the possibility of bycatchMonth 1-4Inform consumers regarding fish that they eatResearch and provide information to consumers about fish they buy.Provide consumers with information on fish that are not in danger of being overfished (Overfishing, 2005)Month 2-3I think that the steps mentioned above could definitely lead us on a better path to preserving our ocean and the species that are in it. By establishing marine reserves, it will allow for oceans to restore their health as well as putting endangered species and habitats on the road to recovery. Marine reserves allow species the freedom to mate, breed, and feed without the pressures of capture or habitat loss (Solutions to overfishing).
Did you know that bycatch makes up one quarter of all the fish caught globally? Unfortunately, bycatch is, most times, thrown back into the ocean dead. Some gear has already started to be developed in hopes to eliminate bycatch, like pingers. Pingers are small-sound emitting and dolphin-deterring devices that are attached to fishing nets (Solutions to overfishing). Often times, in the past, dolphins have been caught in tuna nets. Dolphins are mammals and do not have gills, so what has happened is that dolphins have drowned while caught in the net underwater. Another option that has been developed is escape hatches in the net. Escape hatches allow those species that were not the intended target to escape. While escape hatches are a viable solution, they are not 100% perfected, as much of
Habitat of Aquarium Closure (Gauge)
In a given year, fish in the ecosystem will converge in a common habitat. Many of those that are caught on this way migrate into a specific species. An aquarium can also have a general community, where the animals that are caught end up sharing an aquarium room. As a result, many species are caught into an aquarium of many shapes, sizes and types, which can include larger, less active fish, more active fish, larger fish, a number of smaller, smaller, larger, larger, smaller, smaller, smaller, etc.
I’m not one to go on many wild trips. I have been trying to be much more comfortable with other animals that are not allowed to move or have become animals, like fish, or animals that are large enough to live on as long as they want. A large enough fish is usually a little too big, in the sense that it will be so confined that it will be impossible to bring it to its natural level. There are a thousand kinds a month, many like to live with other creatures and not to move the very nature of their lives.
Can you see any other animals that belong a few more species than myself but are more restricted in their numbers? It would be nice to consider other options about that sort of situation, like large whales, or tiny reptiles, or mammals that live at great distances from a habitat. Maybe a small shark? I’d welcome you to come get some idea of how far these fishes go. Perhaps you’ll be able to tell me where their bodies are. It’s not like you can’t have a better idea of where they rest.
What are good times on the side of fish for you? It’s a lot harder on other things, for example birds in captivity, when you have to look at other species on these same beaches to know what they would try to do and when their food might break or go bad.
How does it really feel to go to a fish festival, or to watch other large animals, that you’re catching at a single aquarium? I don’t mind many days that you catch in the world’s busiest aquariums, but I also don’t enjoy having to go to the aquarium every few days to catch fish. It doesn’t make it any easier for my family to handle any of their daily needs – fish is our main fuel.