Companies Must Exploit Labor to Maximum Profit
OUTLINE  Topic:COMPANIES MUST EXPLOIT LABOR TO MAXIMUM PROFIT IntroductionHook:There are so many ways to make maximum profit, but exploit labor to max profit which is the stupid method. Introductory Details:Labor is the main body of companies, it will affect the companies profit, but it is not the only factor. Statement:Firstly, developing technology at project, improving the speed of producing.Secondly, reducing waste of resources. Thirdly, assigning share to employees who work hard. BodyParagraph 1Pay attention to develop technology. Technology is the significant factor for companies. Artificial Intelligence becomes one of the most earth-shaking technological breakthroughs. Counter argumentAI technology is not important for improve profit. RebuttalSo many top 500 companies in the world have applied AI technology. For example, HUAWEI, APPLE, ALIBABA and GOOGLE. Paragraph 2Topic sentenceEconomy is one of the way to reduce cost.SUOOORTING DETAILSReducing cost is the best method to improving profit. Such as 3D printing technology is good way to save cost.

Counter argumentWaste behavior dose not affect companies profit. RebottleGlobal advocacy of resource conservation. There are many energy-saving devices are put into use. ParagraphTopic SentenceInspiring staff to work hard which is the good way to max profit. Supporting detailsIf the income of companies are closely related to employees. their work efficiency will be improved. Counter argumentExploiting labor and not respect labors power. RebuttalEmployees will feel third and no happy, they will resign from company. ConclusionRestatement of thesis statementIn conclusion, profit is important thing but not the most significant thing. We should protect and respect labors power RecommendationSo , developing technology, reducing waste of recourse and respect labors power. These ways are the best method to maximum profit.           COMPANIES MUST EXPLOIT LABOR TO MAXIMUM PROFIT   DingWeichao   There are so many ways to make maximum profit, but thronging exploit labor to max profit is the stupid method. This is not a long-term solution. Exploiting staff to make business could get money temporarily. If companies want to make max profit for long time. and Developing technology at project , improving the speed of producing. secondly, reducing waste of resources. Thirdly, assigning shares to employees who work hard. The above three methods can effectively increase the companies ‘profits.

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Maximum Profit Introductionhook And Counter Argumentai Technology. (June 15, 2021). Retrieved from