Mexican War Causation Essay – Essay – Viral Patel
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/American History
Mexican War Causation Essay
Viral Patel
The Mexican-American War was between 1845 and 1848 over the dispute over the territory of Texas. There were many causes to war the erupted between the two nations like U.S. expansion to the West, reason due to Mexico not wanting to lose any territory and US manifest destiny driving Americans; the Slidell mission triggering the U.S. anger on Mexico, and the Treaty of Velasco having disputes over its validity. On the results of the war, its effects were the expansion of slavery, creating disputes between the North and South; the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo resulting the Mexican succession and granting citizenship, and the economic and social impacts that led to the discrimination of the Tejanos and increase in European immigration and the negative impact on the economy and people of Mexico. This war had impacted both countries in the present and future.
As tensions between Mexico and the US increase, a war erupts between these two nations. A cause for the war is the escalation in the feeling of patriotism for the U.S.’s expansion into the West, known as Manifest Destiny. The Americans felt the desire to control the lands of the West, and the Mexicans did not want to give up Texas. The reason for this is because the surrendering of Texas would eventually lead to the loss of other territories like New Mexico and California. This would soon reach imminent levels of threat from both sides of the territory, leading up to a war. This war could have done tons of damage to both sides of the continent.
Even further creating differences of Mexico and the U.S., the talk of war ravaged on. Another cause of the war was the Slidell mission, sent Slidell to negotiate with Mexico. President James K. Polk sent him to create peace negotiations with Mexico. However, Mexico refused to talk with him which angered the U.S. The reason for Slidell to negotiate was to get Mexican recognition of the Rio Grande as the border and not the Nueces River, forgive the $4.5 million owed to the U.S., and to discuss the purchase of New Mexico and California as a way of peaceful negotiation. Refusing to talk to Slidell, the Mexican government angered the U.S.
Another cause of the war was the Treaty of Velasco signed by Santa Anna, mexico’s former leader. The treaty was signed because Santa Anna needed to save his own life, which ended up establishing the southern border as the Rio Grande. After overthrowing Santa Anna, the Mexican government did not acknowledge the treaty which made many Americans mad. The reason for this was because Mexico did not think it was valid, since it was under Santa Anna, who only signed it to save his life, and Americans thought to be fully valid and hoped the Mexican government would accept it. On the contrary, they did not, and so the Mexican War was upon them.
An effect of the war was the expansion of slavery, and tipping the balance of Congress to the South’s favor. As the aftermath of the war kicks in, the annexation of Texas as a slave state soon upsets the the North because of the unfair annexation of a slave state. The reason for this is because the effect of the war on the expansion of slavery would allow the South to gain the advantage in Congress. This would create havoc in the U.S. over the question of slavery from the effect of the Mexican War.
Another effect of the war was the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, which was the result of the Mexican American War. The treaty had created the Mexican Cession- Mexico sells land to the US. for $20 million, US receives California, New Mexico, Arizona, Utah, Colorado, and part of Wyoming, and all people living in this area would be granted citizenship. The reason for this was because Mexico had lost the war and had to adhere to the U.S. statements. This resulted into many problems because now the question of those territories entering as either slave or free states should arise. The reason for this is the conflict of the north and south regions on slavery.
Another effect of the war is
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By: Viral Patel
Submitted: February 23, 2017
Essay Length: 1,132 Words / 5 Pages
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