Is Mobile Advertising Effective?
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Annotated BibliographyQin, G., Rau, P. P., & Salvendy, G. (2010). Measuring perceived interactivity of mobile advertisements. Behaviour & Information Technology,29(1), 35-44. doi:10.1080/01449290802666770This article analyzes perceived interactivity of mobile advertisements from a study. As cellphones increase, mobile communication becomes an ideal platform for advertising. There are six correlated considerations about interactivity in mobile advertising: user control, two-way communication between companies and customers, synchronicity, connectedness, playfulness, and interpersonal communication. After knowing these considerations, advertisers should concentrate on how to develop an interpersonal and involving dialogue between the customers and the companies. Young people and experienced internet users are more likely to perceive interactivity in mobile advertising.This article is a helpful source since it researches the factors of perceived interactivity in mobile advertising. The authors cite a large amount of sources to backing their points. Moreover, there are a lot of data and statistics analysis in the study of the article. Therefore, the information from the article is reliable. This article is not biased because the authors provide objective data and they make conclusion through analyzing these data. The goal of this article is to inform the constructs of perceived interactivity in mobile advertising.It is suitable for my research to use this article. My research topic is whether mobile advertising is effective. This article shows many factors that can impact on customers to have interactivity. I can cite them to illustrate what kind of mobile advertising can attract customers. The article also mentions that young people and experienced internet users are more likely to perceive interactivity in mobile advertising. Therefore, I can use it to show the mobile advertising is more effective to what kind of people.Davis, R., Sajtos, L., & Chaudhri, A. A. (2011). Do Consumers Trust Mobile Service Advertising?. Contemporary Management Research, 7(4), 245-270.In this article, Davis, Sajtos, and Chaudhri demonstrate factors that affect consumers to trust mobile advertising. The reputation of the vendor, disposition to trust, and structural assurance have the highest impact on the consumer trust. Perceived ease of use, third party assurance, and perceived privacy have less effect on consumers. On the other hand, there are some considerations that make advertising lose trust from consumers: a lack of face-to-face interaction, a threat to consumers’ privacy, vulnerability of mobile network, unstandardized mobile services, and high price in mobile services.

This source is an academic article and makes conclusions based on analyzing a research; therefore, it is very useful. The information from this article is reliable because it contains massive statistics and data analysis in this article. The authors objectively state the trust-related factors of mobile advertising by a research. The goal of this article is to inform readers that what perceived factors affect consumer trust in the mobile advertising.This article relates to my research since my research topic is whether mobile advertising is effective. This article talks about consumer trust factors, which refer to effectiveness of mobile advertising. Therefore, it is helpful to my research. I can use some of those factors to make inference what kind of aspects can influence advertising effects. Dhar, S., & Varshney, U. (2011). Challenges and Business Models for Mobile Location-based Services and Advertising. Communications Of The ACM, 54(5), 121-129. doi:10.1145/1941487.1941515In this article, Dhar and Varshney state challenges and benefits of mobile location-based services, especially in mobile advertising. Mobile advertising has many advantages—portability, personalization and instant access, mobility and wireless Internet connectivity, location-aware, and context-aware, that can appeal to business using the mobile devices as a platform for advertising. The use of context-awareness and personalization in location-based services could lead to highly effective advertising that can spread to the targeted users and high level of customer satisfaction. Nevertheless, there are several challenges in location-based services and mobile advertising: unacceptable price for location-based services, privacy protection, and technological challenges.

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Mobile Advertising Effective And Mobile Advertising.This Article. (June 12, 2021). Retrieved from