Model of Flow over Spillways by Computational Flluid Dynamics
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(cover page)CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MODEL OF FLOW OVER SPILLWAYS BY COMPUTATIONAL FLLUID DYNAMICS byK. Collette TLHAGWANE 20122409Mohammed Amir DAHIRU 20122087Kürşad ALİ POLAT 20140991Asuma ÇIRKA 20143068June, 2016Nicosia, NORTH CYPRUS(inner cover page)CYPRUS INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL ENGINEERING MODEL OF FLOW OVER SPILLWAYS BY COMPUTATIONAL FLLUID DYNAMICS byName SURNAMEK. Collette TLHAGWANE 20122409Mohammed Amir DAHIRU 20122087Kürşad ALİ POLAT 20140991Asuma ÇIRKA 20143068January, 2007Nicosia, NORTH CYPRUS YOUR THESIS TITLE YOUR THESIS TITLE YOUR THESIS TITLE THESIS YOUR TITLE THESIS TITLEByK. Collette TLHAGWANE 20122409Mohammed Amir DAHIRU 20122087Kürşad ALİ POLAT 20140991Asuma ÇIRKA 20143068DATE OF APPROVAL: APPROVED BY:(Asst./Assoc.) Prof.Dr.Project SupervisorACKNOWLEDGEMENTSWe would like to express our gratitude and highly appreciate firstly the Dean of engineering and the whole department of civil and computer engineering for giving us the opportunity to partake in this project. For also providing us with the right knowledge to be able to under go the project. Secondly, we would also like to thank our supervisor Dr. Burhan for the support, patience, knowledge and guidance he gave us throughout the past two semesters. Without him the project wouldn’t have been much of a success as it has become now, for the suggestions concerning the calculations, the CFD program used and even when writing this report. Most of the work was done on this current and he didn’t get tired of the emails nor the weekly meetings we had with him.
Lastly congratulations to all the group members who took part in the project. Great job done. ABSTRACTThe purpose of this paper is to simulate the flow behaviour through a smooth spillway using a CDF program. The final simulation results were compared with the information given on a research paper named Model of flow over spillways by computational fluid dynamics by Chaiyuth Chinnarasri, Duangrudee Kositgittiwong and Pierre Y. Julien 2012. A multiphase flow with the k-e model was used, and a grid convergence index was also used for the discretisation error. The simulation results were slightly different from the research paper used for comparison likely because of computational limitations and different measurement values. The paper illustrates the flow profiles, velocity profiles, turbulence intensity and energy dissipations of flow through a spillway.TABLE OF CONTENTS Page THESIS EXAMINATION RESULT FORM iiACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iiiABSTRACT ivCHAPTER ONE – INTRODUCTION 11.1 Heading 2 11.1.1 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 4 Heading 5 61.2 Heading 2 101.2.1 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 4 18CHAPTER TWO – GEOLOGICAL SETTING 202.1 Heading 2 202.1.1 Heading 3 Heading 4 Heading 4 262.2 Heading 2 312.2.1 Heading 3 342.2.1.1 Heading 4 352.2.1.2 Heading 4 36INTRODUCITONSpill ways are used in dams, both small and large dams. Their purpose of spillways is for letting flood flows pass there by preventing failure of the dam. A smooth spillway is the most common one, and will be the on evaluated and illustrated within this project report but as a spill way overflow. The figure below shows a general view of a spillway[pic 1]In our report and as according to our project we have used a overflow spillway where the crest is shaped so as to conform to the lower surface of the nappe from a sharp-crested weir. This form of spillway consists of a pressure that will be atmospheric provided that the resistance of the solid surface to flow doesn’t induce a material change in the pressure distribution. This Is likely to happen if the boundary layer over the crest is very thick. Pressures about atmospheric usually reduce the discharge while pressures below increases the discharge.