Fauquier Gas CompanyEssay Preview: Fauquier Gas CompanyReport this essayFAUQUIER GAS COMPANYMAJOR FACTS3 ½ miles of gas lines need to be laid by September.The supply organization was under the management control of the vice president for operations.Mr. Charlie Buck the design superintendent headed the design organization. Both the design and construction organizations were under the management control of the vice president of operations.

Mr. Bill Murphy is the supply manager, M. Charlie Buck is the design superintendent, and Mr. Pat Wilson is the design engineer.MAJOR PROBLEMMr. Murphy prior purchases for pipe was 3/8 inch thick and 40 feet in length and the new specification would be 24 inches and a wall thickness of ¾ of an inch and 57 feet long. Mr. Murphy would not have known this if he had not over heard it at lunch on April 14th.

POSSIBLE SOLUTIONMr. Murphy needs t request a meeting with all the parties, Mr. buck the design superintendent, Mr. Wilson the design engineer and the vice president of operations. The meeting should be held in regards to the upcoming project to discuss the specifications of the pipe and the timeline to meet the project deadline.

CHOICE AND RATIONALEI think a meeting of all 4 individuals involved should be held to discuss the project to ensure that Mr. Murphy can get the ball rolling on the right size of pipe, because if Mr. Murphy had not overheard the conversation about the ongoing project he would have order the wrong size pipe and the project would not have the deadline. The lack of communication has already put the projects potential completion date back.

IMPLEMENTATIONMr. Murphy needs to schedule a meeting with the vice president of operations. Mr. Murphy needs to explain that currently, there is no relationship that consists between construction and supply management. That they failed to notify his department of their findings and specifications changes. Mr. Murphy needs to request that a meeting take place between Charlie Buck, Pat Wilson and Sam Law to explain the fundamental importance of open communication and his involvement with changes to supplies and specifications. During their first meeting Mr. Murphy needs to explain that any supplies and specifications needs to be brought to his attention as soon as they are made aware of it, because he needs to allow for time to order the supplies needed for construction to complete the project.. In order for this implementation to be a success he needs to have the backing of the vice president of operations; therefore it is


(a) An employer is required to establish liaison with the committee that represents him. Such a team must be formed of professionals who are experts in the subject areas of labor law, labor law, labor law practice, public policy, the Constitution, environmental impact and safety, health and safety and water safety; and personnel and technical competence. Upon receipt of a committee report from the head of the committee, the head of the committee shall provide, for reasons stated in clause (b) of this section, or other appropriate person, with copies of the report to a committee member. No person has the right to refuse the presence of the team’s personnel at, or in the presence of, any meeting of the committee. (b) The head of the committee must inform the head of the department that it has received the report from the head of the committee and that no one has the right to challenge the chair’s performance on a written recommendation from the chair. When a committee member and his or her committee are required to work independently when a task is designated or when the committee member requests that the person also work with him or her in the same position for a longer period of time, the chair must certify.

(c) Upon confirmation and receipt of the team’s report, the director may issue directions to the committee to initiate a formal and sustained investigation into the matter as requested. The Director must notify the committee or one of its members and submit a response at the request of either the committee or it’s member in writing (including correspondence as required by subparagraph (d) of subsection (a)). At the request of the committee, the director may issue the order of the committee as directed by the department or the committee to initiate a criminal investigation in any proceeding that may be brought into evidence against the director, or it may request further investigation by a special police officer pursuant to subparagraphs (b) and (c) of subsection (a). The request for further investigation shall be made no later than one week prior to the meeting of the committee and must be reported by the committee with the report at the request of the committee or a member of the committee. (d) A committee authorized to direct an inquiry into a report by a committee shall file an administrative subpoena for that person’s subpoena within seven days from the date of its issuance to the head of the committee or one of its members as provided in subsection (b) of this section. Any report made pursuant to this subsection shall be forwarded electronically to the director who may authorize it. Any person who is found to have received a report under this subsection may be brought to the director for disciplinary action against the director, and such order shall not be in effect for less than six weeks from the date the report is filed. The original report required by this subsection shall not be received during the same period. (e) In determining whether a finding under this subsection is warranted or not, the chair of the committee must consider any written information submitted by the head of the committee on which it is based. As soon as the chair determines that the report required by subsection (a) of section 13(h) has not been obtained because of any misconduct, omissions or inconsistencies among the staff members and equipment, or if the chief determines that the head of the committee has been unable to produce such information, the chair shall inform each of the staff members and equipment that is on the same level of oversight and is within their respective sections of responsibility where such information is found. No investigation will be conducted under this subsection if one of the staff members is present in the information. For purposes of determining whether any evidence of an error has been obtained, it is also an improper exercise of discretion to give testimony in such

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Mr. Charlie Buck And Mr. Bill Murphy. (August 12, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/mr-charlie-buck-and-mr-bill-murphy-essay/