Courtnie Smith English 1 Mrs. Craig Writing Workshop – Essay – courtnie1029
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Courtnie Smith English 1 Mrs. Craig Writing Workshop
Courtnie Smith English 1 Mrs. Craig Writing Workshop The Nethergrave is a short story about an 8th grade boy who has been bullied at school for a while and when he goes home he gets on him computer to talk to his friends but on that very day when his friends logged off “The Nethergrave” started talking to him and let his be a strong jaguar and when he asked the boy/ jaguar to stay he gave him a story about all his friends that they would all soon leave him. And so when the boy’s mom walked into the room she couldn’t find the boy but was a beautiful jaguar on his screen. In the short story “The Sound of thunder” Its about a man who pays to travel back in time to the age of the dinosaurs so that he can go on the ultimate safari and bag a T Rex. He is given strict instructions by the time travel directors NOT to get off the artificial path. He panics when the T Rex comes for him and steps off the path when he runs away and accidentally steps on and kills a little butterfly. (Someone else shoots the T Rex.) When they all return to the present, the present is slightly different. By smashing the butterfly, he has altered the future. One of the directors shoots him in the head at the end of the story. In my own opinion I believe that “The Nethergrave” is a better short story than “The sound or thunder”.
In the story Nethergrave the main character is a dynamic character but the rest of the characters are static characters. But in the sound of Thunder some of the characters are static flat but some are round dynamic. In Nethergrave I like how the main character was the only one that really changed. Like in Nethergrave the end of the story he changed from a small little fragile boy into a strong animal. In the story Nethergrave it says “Jeremy might be a scared, skinny eighth- grade wimp, but was a healthy one… “A sinewy Jaguar that loped gracefully, its muscles bunching beneath a sleek, tawny coat that gave off shimmers or light like ripples of sheet lightning on a hot midnight–“
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(2015, 12). Courtnie Smith English 1 Mrs. Craig Writing Workshop. Retrieved 12, 2015, from
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"Courtnie Smith English 1 Mrs. Craig Writing Workshop." 12, 2015. Accessed 12, 2015.
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By: courtnie1029
Submitted: December 2, 2015
Essay Length: 614 Words / 3 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 424
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