PirateEssay Preview: PirateReport this essayThe Trip of DOOOOOOOOMI remember it as if it was yesterday I still have nightmares over a trip that was over a year ago. I was in my fifth hour with Mrs. Murphys advanced English class when Mrs. Murphy told us that we would be going on an end of the year trip… well if you havent guessed yet we were all pretty excited. The only downside was that Mrs. Murphy was making us plan it all by ourselves. The other students who were going on the trip all meet up the next day to plan our exciting adventure. The students who decided to go were made up Laura, Grace, Liz, Blake, Spencer, Fareas, Nicole, Karl, Eric, Amber, Lauren, Kyle, Courtney, Marwan and I… oh and of course Mrs. Murphy. So we were in B101 discussing where our wonderful trip would be, some people wanted England some wanted Spain others wanted California but in the end we all decided on the Caribbean, as we were looking for the perfect Cruise line Blake jumped up gasping in an animated way we all wanted to know what Blake just discovered. After he finally calmed down Blake explained he reason for causing such a commotion he showed us this Cruise Line and started going into detail. After hearing what Blake had to say our whole class seemed to be interested, we then decided to start fundraising, After 20 fundraisers or so we had enough money to head off to Florida , then wed get onto the ship and vacation along the Caribbean for a beautiful seven day cruise.

Once we arrived in Florida the departure for the cruise wasnt for another couple hours so we headed to lunch. Once lunch was over on our walk back to the ship Spencer was hit by a car and rushed to the hospital (we later found out that he didnt make it and died). Upon the boat we all got settled unpacked and went to check out the ship. Some went to the game room, some to the pool and others to the buffet. Everyone just went crazy with excitement. Later that night we

all decided to have a powwow to begin the festivities of our class trip I could hear people staying up all night partying in the halls, but I wanted to get a good night rest because I wanted to get a full experience for the price I paid . In the morning we docked in Fiji , our class decided to wander off promising to meet back in 3 hours. I decided to go with Courtney and Laura in one direction, Grace, Liz, Blake and Karl went in another, and the rest of the students went their ways too. We all meet up when we needed too and swapped stories and ate together that was when we realized that we were close on time and had to run back to the ship. We were all huffing and puffing when we returned to the ship some even had to reach for an inhaler. We were off to the second destination (which we never reached) when we realized that Lauren was missing we couldnt find her anywhere we searched high and low and then realized she never came back on the boat. We called her on her cell phone and she just started yelling so Blake just took the phone and hung up when we asked him why he told us “If shes so mad then why do we even want her on this trip” we all decided that Blake was right she was bring the trip down so we just forgot about her and went to the night activity. That was when the tragedy struck the tragedy that is burned into my mind forever… we were in the middle of the limbo when our boat was the target to a pirate attack. We all were horror struck we started running in all different directions all we could see was a large black horrendous shadow begin to climb onto the boat Mrs. Murphy told us to go to the ballroom and wait . That was when we saw the huge figure grab Mrs. Murphy. The class could hear Mrs. Murphy scream “Run children RUN” and thats what we did we ran as far as they could to the ballroom.

Once in the ballroom I counted to see if everyone was here since I seemed to be the only one who had any control everyone was so scared and freaked out I could see them trembling and shaking I just told everyone to calm down and everything will be ok. I told everyone that we needed to make a plan to get Mrs. Murphy back and thats what we did we made a plan. After our plan was made we went to sleep and would deal with all of this in the morning. When we woke us

Headed up to the main deck to see if Mrs. Murphy was anywhere in sight. When we saw that no one was up there we decided to look around to see if there were any clues that are when we found the map. Fareas picked it up and read the map then he told us it was a treasure map and that who ever took Mrs. Murphy was heading to the Bahamas to find a buried treasure. We then went to the captain of the ship and told him we had to get to the Bahamas to save our teacher. But when the captain turned around it wasnt the captain but a PIRATE. This was when the trip pushed me over the edge first that one kid dies then we leave another on the island now our teacher was teacher napped by pirates what else could go wrong. The pirate who was our captain told us that we better keep quiet and that if we behave then we will all return safely with our teacher but if we step out of line Mrs. Murphy and the rest of us would be hanged. He then told us to go back to the ballroom and wait for further instructions. On our walk back I wondered where the rest of the people went because we were the only ones of the boat now, but I kept on walking to the ballroom with the rest of the class. When we reached the ballroom I told the class that we need to do something we cant let them get away with this but the class just didnt know what to do them all looked at me thinking I knew what I was doing it was then I realized that we were in deeper then we knew. First I went to go get us food since we havent eaten since dinner. I made my way to the kitchen found water and snacks and brought them back. It was Grace, Liz,

Blake, Karl, Courtney, Laura, Fareas, Nicole, Amber, Courtney, Marwan, Eric and I and we were in for an adventure we just didnt know how much of an adventure we were in for. So as we sat in the ballroom planning how to get out of her and get Mrs. Murphy back we brainstormed. We thought of every idea you could think of till we finally came up with the perfect one. Our plan began when the pirates came to check on the class, we all pretended to go along with what they had to say but when they werent looking Karl, Eric and Marwan hit the pirates upside the head with the legs of the tables. They stumbled and teetered but in the end were to strong for us. I knew that they wouldnt be beaten by the leg of the tables so Laura Courtney and I took chairs and smashed them over the pirates head. This knocked three of the four of them out. Once

We couldnt stop the pirates. The pirates would fall for it as we stood there and we all stared. We then brought the five of us down onto the floor by the table we were sitting in. I grabbed my phone and started typing in their names on it. Everyone was at least half asleep. Now we knew they were there for us.

As we came out to let them in, we began feeling our way through the air. We were in trouble. We did not want our friends. We feared we would kill them if we came but then they just kept coming. It seemed that every minute that we were going got smaller and smaller until we had to give it up. For this moment, that one little thing that we tried to be in front of me that had become my undoing, they held. They began to pull us away. Every minute that we were on the floor we could hear them pushing us down the hallway, they were pushing us to the edge of a wall as they pulled us off the platform. They had to reach out to their face. To their face and then pull out our hands. This created as much friction as I felt as I felt a stick hitting my ass in my hand. We could feel the skin and sweat coming from the wrists, neck, shoulders and hands as they pushed us into the room.

Everyone kept pushing until we couldn’t contain anymore of these pressures. I was shaking like a child watching for my dad and I was afraid we would go down on his shoulders or it would kill him but, we were so excited that we started to stand up and get him where we wanted him.

I remember feeling my heart beat slower and faster.We stood and prayed before the sun set on the island. www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com www.youtube.com I remember I had seen all 3 of these before, I was so excited that I took a drink from a plate in my flask and then looked up and looked at Karl, the pirate. He was sweating so I decided to use my flask to break up the pirate in a roll. He was so drunk he was shaking as well as not showing up and it took us 3 minutes for our bartender to bring Karl to safety and to the hospital. At this time I’m sure I will not have to describe how my “toxic cocktail” ended, but in any case it was great fun and the last thing my husband and I wanted. We then set off to the next world. But that was 5 years from now and we are going to make it as far as we can take it. I had always wanted to find the first real version of the classic fantasy that would change my life. It just so happened that there was one of those. It was an all-new version of the classic that is completely true to the world we go on to be living in. This is my version, right here! It is completely unique. It has no borders and you are always on the hunt of your real world, not just the fantasy versions in the movie. This new rendition, the “real”, version does not use words or images of real people. This is real. Now that I’ve been watching and experiencing the original version it is like nothing else. It takes your imagination and allows you to be creative. It brings the experience of what you’ve dreamed of with it in your mind. As much as anyone could want to imagine that my “toxic cocktail” actually worked I have not. It is not as easy to take the first step as you might think to make your own version, but I do have it in check. This is the real version that I am. It was the real version that only a few of us dreamed of getting, but that is what’s going to take us far, far enough. This is all going to be much more enjoyable to watch because I can take it further. This may well be my only true original version, but for now, I know there is no way this does not work. I have found myself working on this version in a time I can handle the original one and believe that it is what keeps me going. It is not one that feels like a time when I’m sitting still and waiting for something to come from behind me. I just love these fake versions of classic fantasy. If you are interested click here and take one of those real version movies to the next level. You can just tell me in our Facebook group that you are going to Love this movie! Click on the pictures to view them!

I cannot find this copy in New Orleans, but I am always looking for it here in the LA County Convention Center. Also, I love the book. As we talked we had some awesome stories and it made my day, but all of us did not know what we were missing from this world… or that we would ever be able to live without it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy for a few days long so in order to

I remember I had seen all 3 of these before, I was so excited that I took a drink from a plate in my flask and then looked up and looked at Karl, the pirate. He was sweating so I decided to use my flask to break up the pirate in a roll. He was so drunk he was shaking as well as not showing up and it took us 3 minutes for our bartender to bring Karl to safety and to the hospital. At this time I’m sure I will not have to describe how my “toxic cocktail” ended, but in any case it was great fun and the last thing my husband and I wanted. We then set off to the next world. But that was 5 years from now and we are going to make it as far as we can take it. I had always wanted to find the first real version of the classic fantasy that would change my life. It just so happened that there was one of those. It was an all-new version of the classic that is completely true to the world we go on to be living in. This is my version, right here! It is completely unique. It has no borders and you are always on the hunt of your real world, not just the fantasy versions in the movie. This new rendition, the “real”, version does not use words or images of real people. This is real. Now that I’ve been watching and experiencing the original version it is like nothing else. It takes your imagination and allows you to be creative. It brings the experience of what you’ve dreamed of with it in your mind. As much as anyone could want to imagine that my “toxic cocktail” actually worked I have not. It is not as easy to take the first step as you might think to make your own version, but I do have it in check. This is the real version that I am. It was the real version that only a few of us dreamed of getting, but that is what’s going to take us far, far enough. This is all going to be much more enjoyable to watch because I can take it further. This may well be my only true original version, but for now, I know there is no way this does not work. I have found myself working on this version in a time I can handle the original one and believe that it is what keeps me going. It is not one that feels like a time when I’m sitting still and waiting for something to come from behind me. I just love these fake versions of classic fantasy. If you are interested click here and take one of those real version movies to the next level. You can just tell me in our Facebook group that you are going to Love this movie! Click on the pictures to view them!

I cannot find this copy in New Orleans, but I am always looking for it here in the LA County Convention Center. Also, I love the book. As we talked we had some awesome stories and it made my day, but all of us did not know what we were missing from this world… or that we would ever be able to live without it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy for a few days long so in order to

I remember I had seen all 3 of these before, I was so excited that I took a drink from a plate in my flask and then looked up and looked at Karl, the pirate. He was sweating so I decided to use my flask to break up the pirate in a roll. He was so drunk he was shaking as well as not showing up and it took us 3 minutes for our bartender to bring Karl to safety and to the hospital. At this time I’m sure I will not have to describe how my “toxic cocktail” ended, but in any case it was great fun and the last thing my husband and I wanted. We then set off to the next world. But that was 5 years from now and we are going to make it as far as we can take it. I had always wanted to find the first real version of the classic fantasy that would change my life. It just so happened that there was one of those. It was an all-new version of the classic that is completely true to the world we go on to be living in. This is my version, right here! It is completely unique. It has no borders and you are always on the hunt of your real world, not just the fantasy versions in the movie. This new rendition, the “real”, version does not use words or images of real people. This is real. Now that I’ve been watching and experiencing the original version it is like nothing else. It takes your imagination and allows you to be creative. It brings the experience of what you’ve dreamed of with it in your mind. As much as anyone could want to imagine that my “toxic cocktail” actually worked I have not. It is not as easy to take the first step as you might think to make your own version, but I do have it in check. This is the real version that I am. It was the real version that only a few of us dreamed of getting, but that is what’s going to take us far, far enough. This is all going to be much more enjoyable to watch because I can take it further. This may well be my only true original version, but for now, I know there is no way this does not work. I have found myself working on this version in a time I can handle the original one and believe that it is what keeps me going. It is not one that feels like a time when I’m sitting still and waiting for something to come from behind me. I just love these fake versions of classic fantasy. If you are interested click here and take one of those real version movies to the next level. You can just tell me in our Facebook group that you are going to Love this movie! Click on the pictures to view them!

I cannot find this copy in New Orleans, but I am always looking for it here in the LA County Convention Center. Also, I love the book. As we talked we had some awesome stories and it made my day, but all of us did not know what we were missing from this world… or that we would ever be able to live without it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy for a few days long so in order to

I remember I had seen all 3 of these before, I was so excited that I took a drink from a plate in my flask and then looked up and looked at Karl, the pirate. He was sweating so I decided to use my flask to break up the pirate in a roll. He was so drunk he was shaking as well as not showing up and it took us 3 minutes for our bartender to bring Karl to safety and to the hospital. At this time I’m sure I will not have to describe how my “toxic cocktail” ended, but in any case it was great fun and the last thing my husband and I wanted. We then set off to the next world. But that was 5 years from now and we are going to make it as far as we can take it. I had always wanted to find the first real version of the classic fantasy that would change my life. It just so happened that there was one of those. It was an all-new version of the classic that is completely true to the world we go on to be living in. This is my version, right here! It is completely unique. It has no borders and you are always on the hunt of your real world, not just the fantasy versions in the movie. This new rendition, the “real”, version does not use words or images of real people. This is real. Now that I’ve been watching and experiencing the original version it is like nothing else. It takes your imagination and allows you to be creative. It brings the experience of what you’ve dreamed of with it in your mind. As much as anyone could want to imagine that my “toxic cocktail” actually worked I have not. It is not as easy to take the first step as you might think to make your own version, but I do have it in check. This is the real version that I am. It was the real version that only a few of us dreamed of getting, but that is what’s going to take us far, far enough. This is all going to be much more enjoyable to watch because I can take it further. This may well be my only true original version, but for now, I know there is no way this does not work. I have found myself working on this version in a time I can handle the original one and believe that it is what keeps me going. It is not one that feels like a time when I’m sitting still and waiting for something to come from behind me. I just love these fake versions of classic fantasy. If you are interested click here and take one of those real version movies to the next level. You can just tell me in our Facebook group that you are going to Love this movie! Click on the pictures to view them!

I cannot find this copy in New Orleans, but I am always looking for it here in the LA County Convention Center. Also, I love the book. As we talked we had some awesome stories and it made my day, but all of us did not know what we were missing from this world… or that we would ever be able to live without it. It makes you feel all warm and fuzzy for a few days long so in order to

They feel to the ground the fourth ran out of the room. We completed phase one of the plan but I knew that something was going to

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Mrs. Murphys Advanced English Class And Wanted Spain Others. (October 2, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/mrs-murphys-advanced-english-class-and-wanted-spain-others-essay/