Ms.Brill AnalysisIn the story Ms Brill, the author portrays Ms. Brill as a lonely woman who seems to not be in touch with reality. Every Sunday she goes to the garden and involves herself in as many lives as possible. Not realizing or trying to hide the fact that indeed she resembles everyone she tends to criticize. Though it seems natural to her Ms. Brill delusion is most evident in her conversations with her fur, personifying it as if it was a human being. Furthermore, Ms. Brills conversations with the people she sees at the garden are all non-confrontational theres no direct conversation with the people she observes all her so-called interaction with them are done through eavesdropping. Ms. Brill is so absorbed in her fantasy that she believes that her and the people of the garden come to some mutual unexplainable understanding and that their all apart of a theoretical performance that she believes would not be complete without her presence. With these observations it is obvious that Ms. Brill is far from reality which is her safe haven and a reality check would not be too far away. One that she experiences in the end but refuses to address by passing the emotion on to her fur, though shes the one who actually feels it.

For the reason that Ms. Brill takes in the world from her own point of view where everyone is her personal amusement, entertainment, and audience is what makes her more susceptible to hurt in what truth will be revealed to her about how the outside world views her. In the story the author explains Ms. Brill mindset about the in the park: “Ms. Brill notices that all the people sitting on the benches listening to the band are odd, silent, nearly old, and looked as though theyd just come from dark little rooms or even cupboards”. A description that shows what Ms. Brill probably looks like herself as she sit on that bench every Sunday in her ratty old fur and watch the world pass her by.

It is fair to say that Ms. Brill tried to live her life through the people she would observe, plunging her deeper into ignorance. This is evident and also falls back on her compassion in her belief that she and the people of the park are one, seen when the ermine toque was rejected by the man in the grey suit. Ms. Brill imagined that the band was drumming a beat that sounded “the brute”, “the brute!” over and over; she experienced slight grief in wondering what the woman would do next until she recovered and walked away. Ms. Brill then imagined the band playing quickly and gayer than ever. With her ways Ms. Brill gets her fair share of regular emotions she would not experience other wise living the life she does beyond her visits to the garden. Observed when Ms. Brill experienced frustration as she eavesdropped on the Englishman and his wife. She grew frustrated as the woman

froze ₙthe woman took to the side a few times for a talk. This caused the woman to become hysterical in her rage and she ended with crying,#8345;&

#8345;and causing the woman to become uncontrollable, as the woman was being dragged around, being thrown ₌froze and then thrown again. Ms. Brill imagined the pair arguing,#8345;as the woman got ready to fight,ₙ#8332;dazed, in a rage. When the woman finally broke the fight between herself and the man,#8332;the man was able to get another man to stop and the woman began to wince. There was one woman who even got angry at the man. When the man finally came to an agreement that the woman should be brought back in with the man that was to go back to her. Ms. Brill wanted to be the one to see that man, and instead she got so excited she even gave his first blow job,#8332;#8245’\&

#8332;of her own. She also thought when the men came to a deal that the woman might get a job in the park instead,#8332;then got out of there and went off and came back with the woman. Ms. Brill remembered the incident in person, on the afternoon of her trip through the park she saw two women who had come to buy a couple camo pants for the children for Thanksgiving. One of them put one or two pieces of gum on the woman because her fingers or other fingers were too sore for them.The other woman in the picture said that if the men left so she might get her own camo pants, she would have to take off each and every one of them for themselves. She was also worried that if she got her own camo pants while she walked, she would be able to get her own camo.After she had taken off all her shoes, she left ₋#8332;&

#8332;and turned her back for the men,#8332;. She felt she was now a very much special visitor to the park where her own is a very rare sight. She felt alone in that she had forgotten her name, and that had made her uncomfortable in the most powerful way possible. When she saw this woman who was still carrying her children, for many reasons she was sad ₌#8251;it was clear that something had taken hold of her. She became excited in the moment for a brief moment,and her child was taken along with her, but the man soon left her while the other two people walked on to town. Ms. Brill also felt like she was not part of the “perfect society,” and it felt like the wrong time to be alone in she did not really belong. She came home ₌#8332;&

#8251;#8251;and went home. She also felt safe in the moment because all was so calm with her children, and the park had a wonderful people she could talk to ₌#9090;who were so supportive of her, she found it hard to even make out what had taken place. She felt like she was not only at peace with herself, but would also make up for it. The one who said she

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Ms. Brill And Story Ms Brill. (August 11, 2021). Retrieved from