Resume and Cover Letter Tips
Resumé & Cover Letter Tips
Know the terms that the company uses (Corporate Sales) Look at the job description and use terms they are looking for.
Include the right job number (have in footer or header)
Before the interview figure out who your boss is and figure out who they are (professionally)
Make sure you know the acronyms (NHL, MLB, NBA)
Google information about the company before hand and gain some knowledge what they are all about
Find out the departments mandates and objectives
Once you have viewed the job add answer these questions:
What does the organization value?
What does the organization do?
What are the requirements of the position?
What skills and assets would they be looking for in an applicant?
What additional information should you know about the organization
-personal information (include social media and make your social media professional)
Objective: DON’T DO OBJECTIVE unless you talk about how this job could be a stepping stone. State that you are getting something out of this experience. You should state how you want to inquire as much new skills as possible.

Executive Summary: Who are you & what do you want. Where you want to work 15 years from now. (You are in an elevator with someone who you want to be like, what would you say to them?) No more then 3 sentences. What you’re great at, what most interests you, how are going to provide value to the employer

Employment: Most recent job first.
Position Held
Summary of job responsibilities
(no more than three bullet point // start with words like: lead, manage, organized)
Internship- Relevant Experience
Highlights of your experience
(If you are applying for a sports management job, make sure you put the SPAD degree above the school)
Skills: Add first aid, if the information that they need in the job make sure you

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Much New Skills And Google Information. (July 15, 2021). Retrieved from