Taxi DriverEssay Preview: Taxi DriverReport this essayThe First Americans – Groups of Indian cultures that settled in North America. Their cultures depended on the region of North America that they settled. The Northwest culture of Indians lived in wooden lodges, fished for food, and made clothing out of tree bark. The Southwest culture of Indians lived in adobe apartment buildings. Their source of foods was corn, beans, and squash. Their clothing was made from cotton fibers. The Eastern Woodland culture of Indians lived in longhouses and wigwams. Their source of food was deer, rabbit, squirrels, and berries. Their clothing was made from small animal hides and deer hides. These cultures developed over time and depended on the region of land, the Northwest Indian culture was different from the Eastern Woodland in the ways they got their food, what they wore as clothes, and the homes the built for shelter.
- The Civil War began in Florida and grew into the first full federal republic in the country
The first federal republic in the United States as established by the Constitution was established in 1789
The US states, with several exceptions, were the largest in state size, having about 1.3 million citizens, approximately 70% of the population under their control and less than 10% of the total population living in the US.
While some Americans view the US as a republic, this perspective is often overlooked. As states expanded in size, more American citizens moved into lower income brackets and were living closer to home, and higher income Americans lived closer to their jobs. In the US, one of the most important reasons for Americans moving from one home to another was the growing national income. An article titled “US income and living standards since the 1980s” by the Congressional Budget Office shows a clear cut in incomes as wages, housing, and education level improve in the US since the 1960s. The article shows us that the economic growth rates of America since the 2008 crash from 2005-2010 were 9.6% and 9.1%, respectively.
The Great Society and the Global Economy
This article argues that the global economy has been the major driver of growth in the late 1990s and early 2000s.”,”title>
Global economic growth in recent years.”,”title>
Global economic growth since the mid 1990s.”,”title>
I chose the Colonization of America because if it didnt happen America would be what it is today. It also gave the colonist a new feeling of life without a king.
The Navigation Acts – The navigation acts forbade import of all goods from foreign ships except from England. The laws that great Brittan put on the transatlantic trading system. The colonies were not prohibited to manufacture the raw materials they find, it had to be sent to England to be manufactured, and when sent back to the colonies these products were taxed. The wool act of 1698 prevent the export of finished wool cloth, they wanted just raw wool. The iron act 1750 banned the finishing of iron and ensured England to have supply of raw iron. The act of 1663 forced all foreign goods be shipped to colonies through English ports. This led to English restricting manufacturing and regulating trade. Molasses act of 1733 was basically unenforceable in the colonies because of smuggling. This act raised the tax on French West Indian sugar. This angered the colonists because it forced them to buy more expensive British West Indian sugar. Smuggling increased as a result of the molasses act. John Hancock played an intricate part in smuggling within the New England colony. He graduated from Harvard at 17 and at 27 was one of the richest men in America. He took over his uncles mercantile business.
I chose the navigation acts because I believe that they play a big role in Americas history, which aide in leaning towards revolution. The colonist wanted direct representation in parliament not virtual representation.
The American Revolution – There were many events leading up to the revolutionary war, such as the stamp tax. Prime Minister, George Greenville forced the British navy to enforce the navigation acts, raised the duties on sugar with the sugar act. This angered the colonists, they began to boycott British goods, protest, and resulted in many colonies refusing to import any British goods until the stamp tax is repealed.1766 the Sons of Liberty is formed which was a group of colonist who fought for direct representation in parliament. 1767 Townsend acts, King George the third of England replaced Prime Minister Rockingham with William Pitt, who was favored by the colonist. He believed that the colonists were entitled to all the rights of an English citizen. Pitt became sick and Charles Townsend took over the government and he was not concerned with the rights of the colonists. He convinced parliament to pass laws imposing tax on colonists, taxes on lead, paint, paper, glass, and tea imported by the colonies. The colonist responds with a boycott and agrees not to import British goods. 1770 The Boston Massacre, colonists surrounded the British troops and were throwing snowballs at them, a shot went off and was followed by several others five colonists died, and eleven hit. The sons of liberty took this news and used it as propaganda. They publicized it and as this story traveled down to the other colonies it changed and ended up being huge news with a body count of over a hundred, when it was only a tragic accident.1770 the Townsend act was repealed on all goods except tea. 1773 the Boston tea party, the sons of liberty organized a boycott on tea. They dressed like Indians and raided the ships with the tea on them and threw all the tea into the water. 1774 after the tea party Brittan was very annoyed with the actions of the colonists so they imposed the coercive acts, which were called the “Intolerable Acts” in the colonies, which included the closing of the port of Boston until the tea was paid back to the east India Tea Company, the royal governor took over the government of Massachusetts, and the British took the right to quarter soldiers anywhere in the colonies. 1774 First continental congress meets to come to an understanding with their relationship with Brittan after Parliament passed the Coercive acts. The cam to an agreement to stop all trade with Brittan and voted to stop drinking tea from the East India Tea company. The war began when the British planned a sneak attack on Lexington, Paul Revere over heard this and road in the middle of the night to warn them that the British were coming.
Evolution of the American Political Party system – the first political partys emerged from a simple difference in opinions on the future structure of the new country. The first to partys were the Federalists Verses the Anti-Federalists. Their basic differences were the support of and against the ratification of the Constitution. Federalists were for a central government and the Anti-Federalists were in favor of individual state governments. 1800 the Federalists verses Democrat/Republicans, and 1820 Federalists verses Republicans, the first Political Party collapsed after the death of Federalism as a national part. The Republican Party