Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study – Case Study – xvictoriadang
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Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study
Executive Summary
Company Overview
Neptune Gourmet Seafood is North America’s third largest seafood producer who is able to reach out to extremely demanding consumers through various channels. One of the company’s major products is its 30% higher price point, Neptune’s Gold. Neptune Seafood’s competitive advantage in being able to invest in new technologically advanced freezer trawlers really made a positive impact for the company. Neptune’s mission statement, to have the best seafood on the water planet, proved true. During the past 40 years, Neptune had earned a reputation for producing the best seafood. As a result of that, the company did everything in their power to maintain that reputation of being premium in the eyes of their customers.

Major Issues
Although Neptune is the best seafood on the water planet, the company is experiencing several major issues. The major issues consists of: (1) excess of inventory worth 60 days’ supply with the Neptune Gold seafood product line, (2) producing high quality products having 30% higher price, (3) the company has an image to maintain, and (4) 10% decrease in revenue because of rising costs and growing competition compared to the year before.

To resolve the issue, the company needs to get rid of all the seafood without losing a large amount of money and at the same time, avoid ruining the premium brand name. Alternatives were given to offset the issues, but the decision whether to remain a class-market brand or to launch a mass-market brand remained questionable.

Alternatives and Its Effects
Alternatives to Issues
40-50% price reduction OR a 10%
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(2016, 05). Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study. Retrieved 05, 2016, from
“Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study” 05 2016. 2016. 05 2016 < "Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study.", 05 2016. Web. 05 2016. < "Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study." 05, 2016. Accessed 05, 2016. Essay Preview By: xvictoriadang Submitted: May 16, 2016 Essay Length: 389 Words / 2 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 710 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Nike Case Study SHORT CASE SUMMARY Nike, Inc. (503-671-6453, is the worlds #1 athletic shoe and apparel seller. Nike currently employs 20,700 employees, with total sales of 1,706 Words  |  7 Pages Brinkerhoff International Inc Case Study MEMORANDUM TO: JUAN C. ARAQUE FROM: GROUP #6 SUBJECT: CASE STUDY FOR COMPANY "BRINKERHOFF INTERNATIONAL INC." DATE: 11/14/00 CC: HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR OBJECTIVE: After careful 2,797 Words  |  12 Pages Nafta Case Study NAFTA Five Years of Failure By: Jeff Dotson In December of 1992, Presidents Salinas (Mexico), Bush (U.S.) and Prime Minister Brian Mulroney of Canada signed 8,025 Words  |  33 Pages Yahoo Inc Case Study February 25, 2001 Yahoo! Inc. is a global Internet communications, commerce, and media company that offers a comprehensive branded network of services to more than 1,230 Words  |  5 Pages Similar Topics Case Study Gerber Babyfoods Montclair Papermill Case Study Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Neptune Gourmet Seafood Case Study And Company’S Major Products. (July 14, 2021). Retrieved from