Essay Preview: Dracula
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Dracula Essay
In the book Dracula the imprisoning force of Dracula and the dark forces that he has to lure the individual and make them prisoner, being that he gets them willingly and then throws them into the jaws of hell will no hope of escape. This happens threw out the book. It starts with Jonathan Harker, as he makes his way from his England home, to Transylvania he encounters many signs that he should stay away and beware of the count, but because he a good business man he continues, getting there he is greeted by the count, he seems like a very nice noble man, but as time goes on he realizes that he is a prisoner in Draculas Castle. Watching from the window seeing him take out the gypsies. He makes his way out of the castle threw a window and scales down the castle wall after seeing the count in a coffin with blood on his face.

When he was later found by some Buda-nun and brought back to health, he also didnt remember anything from this time in Transylvania. Because of the terrible things that he saw and because Dracula didnt want others to know. But because he kept a journal, Mina opened it and showed Van Helsing, and was able to bring Dracula down.

The next evidence of his imprisoning force, and a major one at that, is with Lucy, who before Dracula has even gotten to shore has effected her by making he sleep walk. And the day that the ship found with the captain tied to the wheel, and the wooded boxes that had crashed on shore. But Lucy had an “odd concentration” almost as if Dracula was already taking control or luring her threw his mind. The next day she has sleepwalked into the churchyard, and was on a bench, with a dark figure over her, it was Dracula; he had lured her out, and had taken some of her blood because she had “two little red point like pin-pricks” on her neck. The bite mark of Dracula.

A few nights later, she is found awake sitting up pointing at a big bat flying in the moon light threw the window. Her condition however worsened when she was found getting paler, and the hole on her neck where getting bigger. As time went on doctors came, and gave her blood and the 3 men that where in love with her did the same but she still got worse, as she started to write a journal, talking about how something was scratching at her window, Dracula he was trying to get her to let him in, and she dose because she was found again pale and weak. Improving in condition after receiving more blood, but her health suddenly fell.

After receiving more blood and being watched for the night she became much better. But after they left her with garlic flowers, and her mom removed them during the night, she was found with the windows open, and was almost dead. Her mom later died when she was in Lucys room looking over her, when a wolf smashed threw the window and gave her a heart attack. Lucy soon would die after, the wounds on her neck disappeared, the night before Dracula was outside her window watching and waiting. Right before she died she begged Holmwood to kiss her but he wouldnt, and in her death she recovered her beauty. It was after she was buried that she became Draculas real prisoner, she

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