Organizational Behavior – Essay – Mohamed Jinan
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Organizational Behavior
OFFICE USE ONLYDate Stamp and InitialsDisk included (tick)ANGLIA RUSKIN UNIVERSITYASSIGNMENT COVER SHEETStudent – Please complete boxes A and B, and Receipt form before submittingA – STUDENT DETAILSName: Ahmed AbdullaSID Number: 1548992/1B – STAGE 1 ASSIGNMENT DETAILS[pic 1]Title of Assignment: A Case Study of Organizational Behviour of Company A and its Impacts Paper No: _________ To be marked by: ____________________________ Submission of this assignment agrees to the following:I understand that the piece of work submitted will be considered as the final and complete version of my assignment of which I am otherwise the sole author. I understand both the meaning and consequences of plagiarism and that my work has been appropriately attributed unless otherwise stated. I have not knowingly allowed another to copy my work.C – PROGRAMME DIRECTOR USE ONLY See separate sheet for feedback commentsUnratified Result: Pass / Fail**I confirm that I have seen and discussed the candidate’s Turnitin report relating to this assignment and that any issues arising from the report have been addressed**Signature _____________________ Date: ________________A Case Study of the Organisational Behaviour Issues of Company A and It’s ImpactsAhmed Abdulla (1548992/1)INTRODUCTIONOrganizational behaviour can be understood as a bevioural study that ‘draws support from the fields of individual psychology (personality and cognition), social psychology (people interacting), industrial psychology (people at work), political science (power and influence), anthropology (cultural systems) and economics (incentives and transactions)’ (Dailey, 2012, P. 1/2).
ContextFor this case study, I have chosen my own company (Company A), a construction company of Maldives. The company has been doing pretty well and we have achieved certain milestones. However, my target to become a leading construction company is still very far. I have been noticing some critical organizational behaviour issues that I strongly feel are holding the company from becoming a high-performing entity. PurposeThe purpose of this study is to critically analyse the significant organizational behaviour issues that the Company A is facing and provide practical recommendations to the company on how to rectify the issues.AimTo identify the organizational behaviour issues in the companyTo analyse the root cause of the issuesTo give recommendations based on the findings. METHODOLOGYWithin the qualitative research paradigm, this study adopts a single and descriptive case study strategy. A case is a bounded, integrated system (Stake, 1995 and Merriam, 1998) and a case study strategy is ‘an empirical inquiry that investigates a contemporary phenomenon within its real-life context (Yin, 1994, p. 13). A single case study is useful when applying appropriate methodology in order to generate in-depth qualitative data within one organisation. However, single case study has obvious limitations in terms of generalisation. All findings from this study cannot be generalized. Further limitations arise in terms of bias, as I am the CEO of the company and the study tries to describe, explain and interpret events from the perspective of the CEO of the company who is the subject of this study. Certain documents of the company also will be analysed. BACKGROUNDBackground Of The CaseI had formed Company A, on my ownin1997 with a share capital of MVR10,000.00( Maldivian Rufiyaa Ten Thousand) and with 4 (four) temporary staff. Today, after 18 years, the company has reached the status of a medium enterprise. The company has undertaken various public and private projects as well as international projects of various magnitudes. Issues Relating to Organizational BehaviourDiagnosing organizational behavior is an ongoing cycle of identifying areas of concerns, understanding the short-term and long-term impacts of each behavior, and developing best practices and strategies that will help the organization to overcome the issues and become more efficient.
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(2016, 09). Organizational Behavior. Retrieved 09, 2016, from
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"Organizational Behavior." 09, 2016. Accessed 09, 2016.
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By: Mohamed Jinan
Submitted: September 2, 2016
Essay Length: 3,659 Words / 15 Pages
Paper type: Essay Views: 461
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