Socialization and MentoringOrganizational culture has distinct personalities that are made up of individuals. Corporate culture combines the beliefs and values that govern how people behave in organizations. These values and beliefs influence individuals in the organization job performance. Newcomers embrace corporate culture changes through socializing and mentoring. Providing these methods, socializing and mentoring, enable skills needed to become a successful organization. “Socialization tactics refer to the methods organizations use to help newcomers adapt to early entry experiences; to reduce uncertainty and anxiety associated with the reality shock of joining a new group ” (Allen,2006.p.2). Newcomers identify certain behaviors through socializing. Groups teach newcomers how to fit in through socializing. Newcomers face a dilemma when joining an organization; the organization should focus on reducing the uncertainty and fear. Individuals in an organization use socialization to gain emotional attachment towards the group. Increasing emotional attachment will help to an organizations success because of the somewhat guaranteed positive performance.
Individuals who have been within an organization for a certain length of time are considered mentors to newcomers. A mentors training can be either formal or informal. Informal training consists of an instructor modeling the expected behavior that newcomers need to duplicate to be successful. The required behavior is taught through socialization. Many organizations use mentoring as a practice to help maintain talent within an organization. Protégés embrace the guidance a mentor offers positively which increases an active workforce.Allen, D.G. (2006, April). Do Organizational Socialization Tactics Influence Newcomer Embeddedness and Turnover?. Journal of Management, 32(2), 237-256. Retrieved from
Sr. Allen, D.G. (2008) The Effect of Organization Socialization on Entrepreneurship and Success: How a Newcomer Becomes a Successful One. Psychology, 62(9), 459-482. Retrieved from
Sr. Allen, D.G. (2011) The Link Between Organization Socialization and Successful Entrepreneurship in the U.S. The Case of Jordany Johnson, Founder and CEO of an Internet company. Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, 51(9), 1143-1150. Sr. Allen, D.G. (2012) The Impact of Organization Socialization On Entrepreneurship, Attitude, Motivation, and Leadership. Business Journal, 50(14), 2457-2466.
Posted by Mike Adams at 4:53 PM