Super-Toys Last All Summer Long
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Super-Toys Last All Summer Long
“It seems like a paradox that in this day and age we can create life but not intelligence.” “An overcrowded world is the ideal place to be alone.”
A world where its always the right season in your garden, where the colors of the leaves and flowers are just as beautiful as the whole sky calmly reflected in the clear water of the paddling pool. A world where you have the ability to not only talk at your favorite toy, but to talk with it, but its still a world where its difficult to tell the real things from the things that arent. An overcrowded world with restrictions on if you may give birth to a child, but not whether its ethical correct to create a synthetic life-form and sell them, when you are not allowed to have your own little baby.

Mr. and Mrs. Swinton, is a contrary couple. On one hand there is Mr. Swinton, a successful businessman as head of the firm. A firm that produces and develops new and more intelligent synthetic life-forms

He is a social man, but not a man who takes joy in small talk about his wife. They live in the richest neighborhood in a mansion without any windows on the outside, because no one wants to see the overcrowded world, in which they live in. Some might even say he is a contributor to this overcrowded world, not because they have been allowed to conceive a child before

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Overcrowded World And Richest Neighborhood. (July 11, 2021). Retrieved from