STUDENT PORTFOLIO IN STATISTICS PORTFOLIO 2 – SAMPLE QUESTIONNAIRERespondent Code No. _____SURVEYGood Day! We are taking a research study as a course requirement in Statistics. We respectfully choose you as one of our respondents to answer the attached questions for the completion of the study. Please provide your honest response and rest assured that your answers will ne treated with utmost confidentiality. PART A. Personal Information of the RespondentsPlease fill in your personal information and put a check on the blank to the corresponding options that gives the profile of your personal characteristics.A.1 Name (optional): _____________________________________________________________A.2 Gender: ___ Male ___ FemaleA.3 Age: ___ Below 15 years old ___ 26 – 30 years old ___ 16 – 20 years old ___ 31 years old and above ___ 21 – 25 years old PART B. Commitment Scale. Please indicate your perception of these statements using the values below and put a check on the space provided. Please choose only one statement.StatementsStrongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreeB.1 Teacher should always demonstrate sensitivity to the students’ ability to attend and absorb content information.B.2 Teacher must be sensitive to his/her learning objectives.B.3 Teacher must make self-available to students beyond official time.B.4 Teacher should come to class on time, well groomed and well – prepared to complete assigned responsibilities.B.5 Teachers must always keep precise records of students’ performance and prompt submission of the same.PART C. Knowledge of the Subject Scale. Please indicate your perception of these statements using the values below and put a check on the space provided. Please choose only one statement.StatementsStrongly AgreeAgreeDisagreeStronglyDisagreeC.1 Teachers should demonstrate mastery of the subject – matter (explain the subject matter without relying solely on the prescribed textbook).C.2 Teachers should draw and share information on the state of the art theory and practice in his/her discipline.C.3 Integrates subject to practical circumstances and learning intents/purposes of students.C.4 Teachers should explain the relevance of present topics to the precious lessons, and relates the subject matter to relevant current issues and/or daily life activities.C.5 Teachers should demonstrate up – to date knowledge and/or awareness on current trends and issues of the subject.END OF THE SURVEY…THANK YOU FOR COOPERATION…
Essay About Part A. Personal Information Of The Respondentsplease And Old Part B. Commitment Scale
Essay, Pages 1 (349 words)
Latest Update: June 29, 2021
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Views: 100
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Part A. Personal Information Of The Respondentsplease And Old Part B. Commitment Scale. (June 29, 2021). Retrieved from