Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others – Case Study – sara1214tigers
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Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others
1. According to path-goal theory, why is Daniel an effective leader?        This leadership theory focuses on a leader’s style, the follower’s characteristics, and the work setting.  The primary goal of the path-goal theory is to improve employee performance and employee gratification by concentrating on employee motivation (Northouse, 2013).  Motivation occurs when leadership offers additional payoffs that followers receive from their work, either by amount or type (House & Mitchell, 1974).  According to Northouse 2013, the Path-Goal theory is based on the expectancy theory, which says followers are motivated if they believe they can do the work, they believe by doing the work a certain outcome will occur, and they believe the outcome of the work is worthwhile.          According to the path-goal theory, Daniel has become an effective leader by selecting a leadership behavior that satisfies the motivational needs of his employees and the characteristics of the task (Northouse, 2013). When obstacles came up, Daniel helped his employees confront them, by removing the obstacle or by avoiding the obstacle.  He helped his employees by directing, guiding and coaching them along the way in order for them to reach their goals (Northouse, 2013).     2. How does his leadership style affect the motivation of employees at the Copy Center?        Daniel uses the supportive leadership style to motivate his employees who work in his duplicating services area.  This area consists of part-time students who are enrolled in school full-time.  Daniel uses the supportive leadership style by his willingness to always work around the part-time employee’s school schedules.  No matter what the conflict, Daniel has a reputation of being helpful with working out schedule conflicts.   By doing this his employees feel included.          Daniel knows the work done in the duplicating services department is tedious.  He goes out of the way to make the job more enjoyable.  He allows a casual dress code, and allows the employees to use their own music choices as background music and letting them get a little wild on the job.  Daniel spends a lot of time each day talking informally with each employee, and encourages staff to talk among each other.  Daniel encourages friendship and is not afraid to become involved in their activities.  Most importantly, Daniel has the ability to make each worker feel important even when the work is trivial.

On the other hand, Daniel uses the achievement oriented leadership style to motivate the employees who work in the desktop publishing area.  This area consists of full-time workers.  Daniel uses the achievement oriented leadership style by giving them a lot of space.  He does make himself available when they need help, but otherwise he leaves them alone.  Through the years Daniel has found a unique type of person works best in the desktop publishing area.  Workers in this area create business forms, advertising pieces, and resumes for customers.  Advanced writing, editing, design, and layout skills are required for this type of work.  Always being able to satisfy a customer’s needs is challenging work. Daniel has found workers who are independent, self-assured, and self-motivated work best in this area.   3. How do characteristics of the task and the subordinates influence Daniel’s leadership?        The duplicating service Daniel offers is a tedious job.  It requires someone to take customer’s original documents and make copies of them.  To keep the job more enjoyable he allows a casual dress code, and allows the employees to use their own music choices as background music and letting them get a little wild on the job.  Daniel spends a lot of time each day talking informally with each employee, and encourages staff to talk among each other.  Daniel encourages friendship and is not afraid to become involved in their activities.  Most importantly, Daniel has the ability to make each worker feel important even when the work is trivial.

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(2016, 02). Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others. Retrieved 02, 2016, from
“Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others” 02 2016. 2016. 02 2016 < "Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others.", 02 2016. Web. 02 2016. < "Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others." 02, 2016. Accessed 02, 2016. Essay Preview 1 rating(s) By: sara1214tigers Submitted: February 28, 2016 Essay Length: 1,058 Words / 5 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 1,956 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays Chinatown Directed by Roman Polanski ChinaTown, directed by Roman Polanski, is a non-traditional hard-nosed detective film made in the 70's. The typical elements of character type are there; J.J. Gittes 1,333 Words  |  6 Pages Case Analysis of Dell: Selling Directly, Globally Business Model: Dell Inc. founded by Michael Dell in the 1984 is the world’s largest PC Manufacturer with annual sales of over $54 billion from 1,102 Words  |  5 Pages Argue the Case for Integration of Knowledge in Applied Practitioners in Soccer. Highlight the Extent to Which Integrated Sport Science Support Programmes Currently Operate in Soccer. ssociation football, or soccer, is arguably the most popular sport in the world. The professional game has become one of the most competitive and lucrative 3,115 Words  |  13 Pages Travel and Tourism Support Pack Case Study D: Transportation Resources 103 Travel and Tourism Support Pack Case study D: Transportation The Airline Industry – A Study of Growth and Change Background The world air 1,912 Words  |  8 Pages Similar Topics Case Study Gerber Babyfoods Foxmeyer Drug Company Case Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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Path-Goal Theory And Employee Performance. (June 2, 2021). Retrieved from