Effects of Technology on Development
[pic 1] UNIVERSITY OF DAR ES SA LAAM INSTITUTE OF DEVELOPMENT STUDIES DS 113: DEVELOPMENT PERSEPECTIVE IISEMINAR PRESENTATION:PARTICIPANTSS/NNAMEREGISTRATION NUMBERPROGRAMMESIGNATURE01OMARY, KASSIM ABDULBASIT2017-04-07897B.COM.MARKETING02LYIMO IRENE TITUS2017-04-01789B.COM FINANCE03SANGA BALBINA ISRAEL2017-04-07976B,COM TOURISM04KAGUNIA MAHMOUD CHANDE2017-04-07974B.COM TOURISMSeminar details:Day: MondayHour: 1400 – 1500hrsVenue: BOT ROOMSeminar Leader: MR. GOZBERT Question: Poor economic performance in sub Saharan in African can be attributed to low level of investments in science and technology by African governments. Discuss this statement with examples.
Poor economic performance is the failure of economic sector to provide an expected development in community, the failure including in the area like investment, employment also in the area related to among in division of money.Economic performance is measured by income of the country and like gross domestic product.Investment is the allocation of resources and money in the expectation of some benefit in the future. Example investment is big estate for industries, investment of technology in science for economic growth.Science is the body of knowledge about natural environment and its functioning or its ability of human and capacity to understand and explain the nature.Technology is the application to produce goods and services both hardware and software.Therefore the two things that is science and technology both are needed and have a relationship because we can’t have technology without science.Due to low level of investment in science and technology may lead to poor performance of economy in the country as follows.