Essay title: Drugs
They are in every home, school, and hospital in the nation. Everywhereyou look people are affected by them, but as common as they are it doesnt make them harmless. It is one of the most popular past-times of junior high and high school aged kids these days, and the fad is rapidly increasing.
A drug is any chemical taken into the body that alters normal body processes. The proper use for a drug is to stablize a person who has an illness or is in pain. A drug can suppress
sensation, or increase it, depending on what the patients problem is. In many ways this can be considered a good thing. A cancer atient wont have to sit out on everyday things because they are in too much
pain. However, one of the leading causes of death today is due to drug-related
accidents caused by people who were not supposed to be taking them.
Drugs in our society are more common than people think. Until recently,
caffiene, while only a mild drug, was offered in every school cafeteria. While
caffiene isnt as bad as other popular drugs like marijuana,