Population Association of Pakistan
[pic 1]MEMORANDUM OF ASSOCIATIONOFPOPULATION ASSOCIATION OF PAKISTANARTICLE 1NAME AND NATURE OF THE ASSOCIATIONThe name of the Association shall be Population Association of Pakistan. The Association shall be a non-profit and non-political organization.ARTICLE 2REGISTERED OFFICE2.1 The registered office of the Association shall be located in Islamabad.ARTICLE 3OBJECTIVES & FUNCTIONS OF THE ASSOCIATIONThe objective of the Association is to promote and strengthen the discipline of population by providing for a to subject experts, facilitating their professional development, sharing scientific knowledge in population, and sharing experiences in the different disciplines related to population.To achieve this objective the Association shall:Bring the members of the Association together periodically in a multidisciplinary environment of professional exchange;Bring members in contact with population professionals from other countries for sharing knowledge; Hold conferences and meetings for presentation of scientific and technical papers and discussions; Arrange lectures by recognized national/international scholars for young professionals and the general public;Facilitate research in the different disciplines of population;Encourage population studies in educational institutions;Develop and train young professionals/students by arranging funds for scholarships and by identifying courses/trainings in population at the national and international level;Publish journals, newsletters, or any other scientific or professional publications under the direction of an Editorial Board appointed by the Executive Council;Confer awards on scholars for outstanding contributions in the general area of population; Offer advice on critical policy issues;Collaborate with other national and international organizations pursuing similar goals; andDo all such things as are conducive to the attainment of the above objectives.ARTICLE 4MEMBERSHIPAcknowledging the inter-disciplinary nature of population studies, the membership of the Association shall be open to demographers, sociologists, statisticians, reproductive health experts, environmentalists, economists, geographers, public health personnel, social workers, and other professionals interested and involved in population studies and related action programs.Forms of membership in the Association shall consist of: Honorary Membership: The Executive Council may, of its own accord, confer Honorary Membership of the Association on persons who have made outstanding contributions to the growth of knowledge in population.Regular Membership: Any person fulfilling the following criteria, and recommended by any two members of the Association, may become a regular member of the Association:Be the holder of an advanced degree in a subject related to population; orBe the author of at least one scientific publication in the field of population in a recognized scientific journal; orHave demonstrated commitment to the field through research, writing, teaching or administration.Institutional Membership: Institutional Membership shall be open to institutions engaged in population studies or activities, on approval by a majority of the Executive Council. Each member institution shall nominate one member of its staff to participate in the meetings held by the Association.Life Membership: Life Membership shall be open to any individual eligible for regular membership on payment of an amount fixed in the Rules and Regulations and/or bye-laws of the Association. Student Membership: Student membership shall be open to persons enrolled in graduate study in a population-related field, and recommended by any one member of the Association or the head of the department or institution. All members other than honorary members shall pay a membership subscription fee prescribed in the Rules and Regulations and/or the Bye-laws of the Association.a) All members shall be entitled as a matter of right to participate in all activities of the Association, except as indicated in Article 4.4(b) below.The right to vote or to become Office Bearers of the Association shall be given to all members except Student Members and nominees of Institutional Members (unless they are otherwise members). All members who are current in their membership subscriptions shall be entitled to receive, free of cost, all publications and communications of the Association.Membership of the Association shall cease:By voluntary resignation as from a specified date;If a member fails to pay her or his subscription one year after the subscription has become due, and has not responded within an additional 21 days after a registered notice demanding payment has been received. If a resolution terminating such membership is passed by a majority of not less than three fifths of the members of the Executive Council and if such resolution of the Executive Council is confirmed by the General Body at its next meeting by a majority. No member shall question the reasonableness or otherwise of a resolution passed under Article 4.5 (c) above and shall submit to it provided she or he has been served with a notice in writing at least 14 days prior to action taken by the Secretary General informing her or him of such action and provided she or he has been given an opportunity to represent her or his case before the Executive Council.ARTICLE 5GENERAL BODYThe General Body of the Association shall consist of all the voting members identified in Article 4.4(b) above.The General Body shall have the following duties and powers:To elect an Executive Council and Office Bearers of the Association in a general meeting duly convened for the purpose. At least one third of voting members shall be required to constitute a quorum; To consider and decide on all matters as may from time to time be placed before them in a general meeting; To amend this Memorandum of Association according to procedures set forth herein, in the Rules & Regulations and/or in the Bye-laws; To suspend or remove elected Officers of the Association or Members of the Executive Council, on convening of a special meeting of the General Body, with at least 50 percent of the voting members present, and 80 percent of those present voting to remove. A special meeting for this purpose shall be held on written demand of one-third of all voting members. 5.3 Members of the General Body unable to attend the meeting shall have the right to express their opinion through postal or electronic communication on any matter on the agenda of the meeting of the General Body. Such opinion shall be duly considered.ARTICLE 6EXECUTIVE COUNCILThe Association shall have an Executive Council that shall act as an executive and managing authority of the Association; and that shall manage the affairs of the Association.The Executive Council shall be comprised of six regular members elected by the General Body and five office bearers of the Association who shall be ex-officio members of the Council.There shall be a full-time paid Executive Officer appointed by the President with the approval of the Executive Council, who shall be based in the Secretariat of the Association and who shall manage the day-to-day affairs of the Association under the direct supervision of the Secretary General. She or he shall also serve as non-voting secretary to the Executive Council.The Executive Council shall be elected for a term of two years by the voting members from among themselves in a General Body meeting convened for the purpose in accordance with the procedure prescribed in the Rules and Regulations and/or bye-laws of the Association.All members of the Executive Council shall be elected for a period of two years. However,In extraordinary circumstances the Executive Council may continue functioning for an additional period of not more than six months, after which its powers shall cease to exist. In such an event, the General Body Meeting may convene to organize new elections;None of the Office Bearers of the Association and the members of the Executive Council shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms;A member of the Executive Council not attending two consecutive meetings of the Executive Council without prior written information to the President/ Secretary General shall cease to be a member of the Executive Council.The President, or in her or his absence, the Vice-President shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Council. In their absence, the members present shall elect a chairman for the meeting.The Executive Council shall direct, regulate and administer the general affairs of the Association in accordance with this Memorandum of Association, the Rules and Regulations and/or bye-laws of the Association; and shall:Draw an annual program and undertake projects for the fulfillment of the objects of the Association; Draft, propose, approve and amend the Rules and Regulations and/or bye-laws of the Association;Grant affiliations to similar bodies if deemed desirable in the opinion of the Executive Council in accordance with the Rules and Regulations and/or the Bye-laws;Convene the meeting of the General Body as and when necessary;Present to the session of the General Body a written report of the activities of the Association;Fill any casual vacancies in the Executive Council by co-option from amongst the present voting membership of the Association, up to a maximum three members;Have the right to approve all contracts or research proposals on population and related fields on behalf of the Association;Have the right to own, hold, administer and invest funds and property on behalf of the Association, and in furtherance of the aims of the Association;Approve the admission of members of all categories of the Association with simple majority vote. The decisions of the Executive Council shall be taken by a simple majority vote. In the event of a tie, the President or the person presiding over the meeting shall have the casting vote.In the event of a casual vacancy in the offices of the President or Secretary General, the Vice President or Joint Secretary, respectively, shall assume their duties for the remaining period. For vacancies in the positions of other Office Bearers, the Executive Council shall fill the casual vacancy as deemed appropriate under the circumstances.The Executive Council shall have the authority to draft and approve specific Rules and Regulations and/or Bye-laws relating to the conduct of elections, including voting procedures.ARTICLE 7DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE OFFICE BEARERS OF THE ASSOCIATIONThe Association shall have the following Office Bearers: President Vice-President Secretary General
Essay About Population Association Of Pakistan And Members Of The Association
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Latest Update: July 7, 2021
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Population Association Of Pakistan And Members Of The Association. (July 7, 2021). Retrieved from https://www.freeessays.education/population-association-of-pakistan-and-members-of-the-association-essay/