Price Strategy of Hvs: Superior Super Market – Case Study – Piyush Jain
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Price Strategy of Hvs: Superior Super Market
TO: James Ellis, PresidentFROM: Piyush Jain, President’s AssistantDATE: March 8, 2016SUBJECT: Repositioning the Price Strategy of SuperiorThe four Supermarkets capture 85% food sales in Centralia, MO; Harrison’s (22%), Grand American (13%), Missouri Mart (27%) and Superior (23%). Centralia shoppers rely on four major supermarket attributes in making store patronage decision. These are, price, meat quality and variety, produce quality, variety, and display, and shopping convenience. Hi-Value Supermarket rates best in convenience, average in meat and produce, and worst in price. There is an inverse relationship between the importance weights assigned to the top four patronage criteria and Superior’s rating. Hi-Value Supermarket’s prices are higher than the competition at a time of growing price consciousness and that the price differential could cause them to lose market share. After analysis, HVS price are 10% higher than Harrison and 7% higher than Grand American and Missouri Mart, the company growth rate is negative 0.53% and advertising budget is 0.89% of sales revenue compare to 1% by competitors. My recommendation is to implement Everyday Low Pricing for certain categories.

Superior is the “primary secondary grocery store” for food shopping in Centralia and is more of a convenience store than a supermarket for Centralia shoppers. Everyday Low Pricing might improve its “pricing image” but not make it the “best overall prices”. EDLP might increase patronage from more price conscious shoppers who do not presently patronize Superior, thereby, increasing visits. It may increase the quantity purchased per visit to the extent that Superior becomes the primary store for household grocery purchases among a larger portion of Centralia shoppers. However, Superior still faces a problem with shopper perceptions of “value” since meat and produce rank average in store choice patronage. EDLP on certain categories has it pros and its cons. The pros being it can reduce Superior’s inventory and handling cost, by reducing variation in demand caused by frequent specials with large markdowns. Second, re-marking merchandise and shelf tags, including labor expense, is reduced due to fewer price changes. Third, EDLP allows Superior to focus on image-oriented advertising versus weekly price-item or promotional advertising. Lastly, it could help Superior to compete on other store patronage criteria. The cons being EDLP will likely decrease store gross profit margins even with cost savings. Superior must increase dollar sales given lower margins so as not to lose money on EDLP. And, EDLP could position HVS directly against Harrison’s that features EDLP too and rates “best” supermarket on shoppers’ criteria.

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(2016, 03). Price Strategy of Hvs: Superior Super Market. Retrieved 03, 2016, from
“Price Strategy of Hvs: Superior Super Market” 03 2016. 2016. 03 2016 < "Price Strategy of Hvs: Superior Super Market.", 03 2016. Web. 03 2016. < "Price Strategy of Hvs: Superior Super Market." 03, 2016. Accessed 03, 2016. Essay Preview By: Piyush Jain Submitted: March 14, 2016 Essay Length: 539 Words / 3 Pages Paper type: Case Study Views: 556 Report this essay Tweet Related Essays The Low-Price Strategy of Hasee Computer Hasee Computer Company was founded in September 2000, and in April 2001 its products come into market formally. In 2006, Hasee captures the second largest 1,005 Words  |  5 Pages Sirius Radio Pricing Strategy Satellite radio has been in existence since 1999 and with approximately 14 million subscribers today, it has proven to be formidable competition to many of 1,187 Words  |  5 Pages Pricing and Non-Pricing Strategies in Different Forms of Industrial Organization Pricing and Non-Pricing Strategies in Different Forms of Industrial Organization There are four basic models of market structure that exists today, namely, pure monopoly, oligopoly, 2,191 Words  |  9 Pages Low Pricing Strategy Executive Summary The IKEA Group, one of the world’s top furniture retailers, has emerged as the fastest-growing furniture retailer in the US. To become one 892 Words  |  4 Pages Similar Topics Turkcell Marketing Strategies Products Services Prices Free Market Get Access to 89,000+ Essays and Term Papers Join 209,000+ Other Students High Quality Essays and Documents Sign up © 2008–2020 EssaysForStudent.comFree Essays, Book Reports, Term Papers and Research Papers Essays Sign up Sign in Contact us Site Map Privacy Policy Terms of Service Facebook Twitter

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