Principles of Marketing
lOMoARcPSD|3330692SummaryPrinciples of MarketingPhilip Kotler, Gary ArmstronglOMoARcPSD|3330692CONTENTS1. Marketing creating and capturing value 22. Strategy partnering to build customer relationships 83. Analyzing the marketing environment 134. Managing marketing information 195. Consumer markets and buyer behavior 266. Business markets and buyer behavior 337. Customer-driven marketing strategy 388. Products, services and brands 44
9. New product development 5110. Pricing 5611. Pricing strategies 6012. Marketing channels 6513. Retailing and wholesaling 7214. Communicating customer value 7815. Advertising and public relations 8316. Personal selling and sales promotion 8817. Direct and online marketing 9518. Creating competitive advantage 10019. Global marketplace 10520. Sustainable marketing 111© StuDocu.com1lOMoARcPSD|33306921. Marketing creating and capturing value