Achieving and Maintaining Individual Excellence Paper
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Utilizing Online Social Networking Sites Paper
The subjects in this paper will revolve around the LinkedIn website and other websites like it. The LinkedIn website is made to build a professional profile of anyone in order to obtain employment. The subjects in this paper are important and will show individuals how important making a professional profile is in order to obtain a job. The first subject in this paper will be an explanation of three professional groups, also whether or not the groups offer continued education, also an evaluation of the groups referral process. The second subject in this paper will be how LinkedIn helps professionals stay connected to the community as well as other professionals. The third subject in this paper will be an explanation of how being tied to a professional community can help support clients and how attending training can keep on up to date. The final subject in this paper will be an explanation of other technological tools that allow an individual to develop and manage his or her contacts.

Professional Groups, Continue Education, and Group Referrals
The three professional business groups that one chose are the following: The first is Capital Area Franchise Association; the second is Reusing, Recycling, and donating; the final professional group is Service Relationship Management. These three companies are reputable to ones chosen field in terms of serving the public as well as the company can. The Capital Area Franchise Association according to (LinkedIn Corporation, 2012), “has monthly meeting to network with the public.” The Reusing, Recycling, and donating company also has monthly networking meetings with the public whether it is online or at a location. The third company Service Relationship Management holds yearly networking meetings with the public. The public is important to each of these companies and holding meetings shows the public their important. The three professional groups have a continued educational program, which allows their employees and the public to stay in tune with what is going on in the community. The companies all suggest community-based programs that would help the clients; also the clients are important to each company so their suggestions are researched deeply.

Keeping One Connected Using LinkedIn and Other Sites
When using professional sites like LinkedIn, there is more of a chance in finding employment than using a less credible site. Monster is a credible site also, which is like LinkedIn, there similar in terms of being professional as well as credible. LinkedIn assist individuals with staying in contact with their professional lives, staying in touch with the people you work with and for is important in terms of todays complications. LinkedIn allows you to connect with people on facebook as well as find people professional

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Professional Profile And Professional Groups. (June 13, 2021). Retrieved from