Life StagesLine Claire Tchetnda TchakounteAssignment 2 of 4: Life StagesTask1Childhood (3-11)[pic 1]Physical developmentThis stage is characterising by:The development of gross motor skills such as playing kicking a ballThe fine motors skills such as playing a musical instrument, use spoons and forks and dresses and undresses.Intellectual developmentThis stage is characterising by the starting of school, the using of sentences, grammar and vocabulary correctly. Children start to read and to write properly. Children might think that if they are not able to see something that means other people might not see it. Children understand that things are the same even if they look different. They are able to put things in a logical order.Emotional developmentThese ages are characterising by compassion, independence and empathy.Children become more independent but still need parent support, they show pity when friends are hurt and they are able to put themselves in other people place. They are able to tell if they are happy or sadSocial development This stage is characterising by socialisation, independence and empathy. Children start to plays with others, learn to share their toys and take turn in game. They create their own game and make the rule.
Teenagers (11-18 years)[pic 2]Physical developmentGirlsBody fat increases, breasts begin to enlarge, pubic hair grows, height and weight increase. First menstrual period occurs, underarm hair grows, skin become oilier, pimples may appearBoysTesticles grow larger, penis grows longer and fuller, pubic hair grows, height and weight increase, muscles develop, skin and hair become oilier, pimples may appear, underarm and facial hair growIntellectual development Teenagers are less interested in education and they are less concentred. They might start to set goals and think about the future. They might be able to think about things they never see. They are able to do maths, think logically and solve problems. Their mental capacities might be very high, they might begin to think about the future and make important decision carer
Folks feel that they should look after their future. The only way to get there? To have a positive life and not work anymore. This would allow them to have freedom, a sense of purpose, motivation and a sense of self. Teenagers would get to build a new future, they would have more freedom, self-confidence and that would have a positive impact on their lives
Teenagers experience greater social, emotional and academic freedom, they would get to work. They would feel loved.
Teenagers don’t take their studies seriously (they don’t get high grades). In fact, the higher their social status, the more they are exposed to more material and the more information they are exposed to. They would find more material to choose from. They would experience more power and control, they would feel more entitled and have more influence over other people. Even with a high score, they would try to change their social way. This would help them feel and work closer with people.
Teenagers, also by the way, could feel the tension between a social life and work. They could feel happy and self-conscious. They might also feel more safe, they might have fun going out, they did not feel intimidated, and all this happened faster
Teenagers would develop the feeling of belonging. Their social life would be stable, safe, fun and satisfying. If they lived a normal social life they would feel safe and at ease. They might be able to make changes that weren’t necessary. They might feel safe at home with relatives and friends. Social life could be a challenge and it’d take time. As the result, they would feel like they were not important at all.
It does not matter who you are. You aren’t important. But you should care. What’s important is that you value your social and personal life. Teenagers believe in being more like them. They believe in being independent, independent and more self-important than other people. They believe in creating positive change. They believe that by trying this they can become more strong and self-sufficient.
Teenagers, they may feel less free. In fact, they tend to not even realize that in a lot of situations they’re only getting freedom. They may feel powerless and scared. They may think that they cannot change the world. They may feel trapped in the situation they’re in. Not being able to change their situation makes you feel powerless or alone. When you experience loneliness, stress, despair, boredom, lack of love, you may feel scared. But you may be happy and you may not be afraid. Teenagers believe in self-reliance. They believe in a place of ease, safety and peace after conflict, with some hope and some hope of happiness in a positive situation that you can enjoy and be proud of. This self-reliance is very helpful to them.
Teenagers feel good and self-confident after conflict. But then they do not feel confident. They may feel hopeless and their problems become more difficult. Teenagers believe that a great way is to be confident. When you feel confident but still feel hopeless, you may