Gravity Lab
Essay Preview: Gravity Lab
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What a Drag! : Lab Report
Purpose: The purpose of this lab is to demonstrate that air resistance affects the velocity of a falling object and when it hits the ground.
Hypothesis: I hypothesize that the plain piece of paper will fall slower than the crumpled paper, coin, and book due to air resistance.
Part I 1st Observation – The air resistance made the coin drop a lot faster than the paper because it is less air resistant.
Part I 2nd Observation – The coin and crumpled paper dropped and hit the floor at the same time.
Part II 1st Observation – The book fell faster than the paper.
Part II 2nd Observation – The paper and the book fell at the same time.
Part II 3rd Observation – They fell at the same time.
Part III –
Trial 1
.8 Seconds
1 Meter
Trail 2
.6 Seconds
1 Meter
Trial 3
.89 Seconds
1 Meter
Calculations: d = do+vot+1/2at2 or g = d-do-vot/2t2
1 = (1/2) (.64a) = (1/2) (.36a) = (1/2) (.7921a)
a = 3.125m/s2 a = 5.5556 m/s2 a = 2.525 m/s2
a = g
1. The crumpled paper and the coin both hit the ground at the same time.
2. The crumpled paper and the ball would

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Purpose Of This Lab And Velocity Of A Falling Object. (June 2, 2021). Retrieved from